Chapter 14 - Confusion

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*Hi guys! I am SO sorry for not updating for so long! I've been crazy busy with school so it's been difficult to find time to write. But I hope to try and get better at it! Hope you enjoy this chapter! :) Also, just so you guys know. Chloe + Marco are coming back! Stay tuned for the next chapter! Thanks again for all the support and sweet comments! I love hearing your thoughts and idea's!*

Lee's POV:

I seriously cannot believe Elle. Ever since Noah came into the picture. I mean, he's always been around but I mean them dating, she's been so distracted and not like her usual self. The old Elle Evans would have never made a move so drastic without telling me. Hint, hint, moving into an apartment with my brother and leaving me alone in my dorm.

I came all the way to Harvard just so I could be with Elle. If I had known that she was going to do this, then I would have gone to the same school as Rachel. To be fair, it's not Elle and Noah's fault that the stupid boarding residence doesn't allow mixed gender rooms. But she could have at least told me how she was feeling.

I told Elle that she wasn't the reason that I wanted to go to Harvard but the truth was, she was the one and only reason. I was perfectly happy living in California. Deep, deep, deep down I love Noah, but I have to admit. It was nice having some space from him. Noah made me so mad sometimes. Even when he wasn't there, he somehow always found a way to make me crazy.

Having Elle sulk, when he left last year didn't help either. I tried to be supportive, but it got so annoying after a while. Especially when Rachel was there too. She always gave me a look like I should tell her to shut up, but how was I supposed to do that. She was preoccupied with the thought that Noah was cheating on her with Chloe, which I knew wasn't true. Even though Noah was not known for having the best reputation in high school, I knew that he would never do anything like that to Elle and hurt her. At first when they got together, I never imagined that my brother was capable of love but, he proved himself wrong.

I haven't talked to Noah or Elle since they told me they were moving out. Elle's been texting and calling me like crazy but I'm not in the mood to answer. I think I need a break from both of them right now.

Later That Day:

I haven't talked to my mom in ages so I decided to give her a call. I could really use some of her advice right now.

"Hey mom."

I tried to sound as cheerful as I could, but I really wasn't in the mood.

"Hi sweetie! How are you? I feel like it's been forever since we've talked."

"Yeah. I know. I've been busy.", I said in a grumpy voice.

"What's wrong honey? You sound upset."

Ugh she can always sense when something is wrong.

"Well. Things haven't exactly been going well. Rachel refuses to talk to me and..."

I took a long pause.

"Noah and Elle are leaving me."

"Wow, wow. Honey! Slow down!"

"What do you mean they're leaving?"

"Wait. You don't know about it?"

I was so surprised. Elle told me that it was my parents that had the idea to for them to get an apartment.

"Know about what?"

She talked very slowly.

"Elle and Noah are leaving the dorm residency and getting an apartment. Without me..."

"And! They said it was your and dad's idea."

"Oh my goodness. Lee honey. I'm so sorry. There's one part of it that I completely forgot to tell you, Elle, and Noah."

"Ok... What is it?"

"I got you all an apartment together. But there's a door that connects the two so that way you all have your space and privacy."

"Wait what?"

I couldn't believe this.

"I'm so sorry for all the confusion, Lee."

That's when it hit me. Oh my gosh, all those missed calls and text messages from Elle we're about this. Oh boy.

"That's ok mom! Everything's ok now!

I felt releaved!

"So I guess Noah and Elle will have one room and then I'll have the other?"

"Well... No. I mean, we'd have to talk to Mr. Evan's about that first and see what he thinks about it. I'm not sure if he would be ok with that. But hey, we can discuss that this weekend, when we ALL come to visit!"

"Wait. You guys are all coming to Boston this weekend!"

"We sure are! This Friday night! We're all coming! You dad and I & Mr Evan's!"

"Yay! But what about Brad? Isn't he coming?"

I loved that little guy. I really missed playing videogames with him. Even though he beat me nearly every time!

"No. He can't come, sadly. There's a soccer tournament he can't miss."

"Oh that's too bad. But hey! I'll get to see all you guys!"

"You sure will!"

"Thanks mom. I'm so glad we got to talk. But I need to go find Elle and Noah now."

"That's fine sweetie! Give them a kiss from me!"

"Will do."

"Oh, one more thing before I forget. About Rachel."


"Your probably not going to want to here this, but I think it might be time to move on honey. Trust me, I'm sure there's someone amazing out there waiting for you."

"Yeah. I guess your right."

"Ok. Well, see you on Friday night!"


As soon as I pressed "end call" on my phone, I darted out of my room to go find Elle and Noah!

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