Chapter 17 - Figuring It All Out

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*Hello everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in 2 months! Things have been crazy so I haven't had much time to write. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please comment what you want to happen next or stuff I should add to the story! Have a great day!*



Our new apartment is fantastic. It's even nicer than I imagined! When you first walk in there's a washroom to the left side and then if you walk a little bit further, there's the kitchen. It has white and grey marble flooring with a huge island for cooking and preparing food. Just what I needed! One of my goals for this school year was to learn how to cook.

"So... What do you think guys?", Mrs Flynn asks.

"It's so cool!", Lee says.

"Yeah I'm with you bro."

Noah gives Lee a fist pump.

"And what do you think Elle?", Dad asks me.

"It's amazing! I'm actually lost for words!"

Everyone chuckles.

"So I know it's a little smaller than you guys were probably thinking, but I know you'll manage!", Mrs Flynn chirped.

"When we were buying the apartment we only thought 2 people would be living here, not 3.", Mr Flynn adds.

Everyone nods.

I have to say. It definitely was a bit smaller than I was hoping for. We only have 2 washrooms. One in the master bedroom and then one near the entrance. And the living room is very small. Knowing myself, I definitely need my own washroom. And... I'm not so sure how Lee and Noah would feel about sharing.

"So, should we do room assignments?", Lee suggests.

"Jesus Lee we're not at a summer camp!", Noah interjects.

"Well sorry!", Lee sticks his tongue  out.

I laugh along.

"Good idea sweetie.", Mrs Flynn says.

"So I guess since there's 2 bedrooms, Elle and I will share and then Lee can get his own one.", Noah says.

I nod my head in agreement. 

"Fine by me.", Lee says.

"I know how you two want some alone time."

Lee emphasizes the "alone" part.

Noah and I turn bright pink.

Mr Flynn does an awkward cough.

"You know what kids, I think the grownups are just going to have a little talk for a few seconds and we'll be right out, ok?", Mrs Flynn says.

Dad, Mr. and Mrs Flynn go into one of the bedrooms and lock the door.

"I wonder what they're saying!", I say.

"Yeah.", Lee and Noah say.


The Parents Discussion In The Bedroom:

Mr. Evans: "Look Matthew, June, it's nothing personal. Noah's a great kid and all and he's definitely matured and changed over the past couple of years... But I don't know how I feel about him sleeping in the same bed as Elle all the time. I mean common, you guys know. That's a recipe for disaster. 2 teenagers sleeping in a bed together... It's bound to happen!"

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