Chapter 13 - I Can't Do This

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*Hello everyone! Apologies for taking so long to get this chapter out. I've had writers block, but now I'm back on track! Side note: we hit 2k reads recently! That's insane! Thanks so much :) As promised, here is chapter 13!Enjoy.*


College sucks. It really sucks. I hate everything about it. I hate how I basically never get to see Noah or Lee because we have different courses and timetables. I hate how the dorm residence doesn't allow me to go into Noah or Lee's room to hang out, let alone share a room with my own boyfriend.

My classes are super difficult and challenging. Much harder than high school. Dad told me on the phone that I should have expected this, but I didn't think it was going to be this bad.

I haven't made any friends yet. All the people in my classes seem very studious and quiet.

The only good thing about Harvard so far is that I love the professors. Even though their classes are hard, I still enjoy them. Their lecture's are so inspiring and interesting. I practically would fall asleep in most of my classes in high school, but now I actually wanted to pay attention.

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision about coming to Harvard so I could be with Noah. Maybe I would have been better off if I had stayed in California and went to Berkley instead.

"No. Snap out of it Elle!", I think to myself. "This is where you belong."

Well, at least I think it is...


"There's my girl.", Noah walks toward me.

"Hi Noah.", I say giggling. I give him a hug.

"You wanna get out of here now? Lets go get some breakfast.", Noah says.

"Ok.", I say. I try to sound cheerful, but I'm really not in the mood.

Noah puts his arm around me and we head out of the lobby to the parking lot.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?"

I try to put on a smile.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm fine."

"Common Shelly, I know you better then that. What's wrong? You promised me you would let me know when something was bothering you, remember? No more secrets."

"Fine. Can we just talk when we get there? I don't really feel like it now."

"Okay, we'll talk when we get their." Noah smiles at me.


After a short, but sweet ride on Noah's motorcycle, we arrive at the cute café we're having breakfast at. There's a pretty flower display right outside the entrance. Noah picks up a rose and puts in in my hair.

I blush.

"You are so pretty Elle.", he says sweetly.

"The most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Awww thanks.", I give him a sweet smile.

"And your the most handsome guy I've ever seen."

Noah smirks.


"So... What's up Shelly?", Noah asks.

"You've seemed kind of sad lately.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that I've been having a hard time adjusting to life at Harvard."

"I completely get how your feeling right now. That was me last year. The only difference is that I didn't have my sexy girlfriend and my best friend with me."

"Ha, ha, very funny.", I said laughing.

"But I don't know, Noah. I can't stand how the dorm residence wont allow us to share a room or even let us visit each other."

"It's literal bull shit.", Noah said, a little too load.

The family next to us turned around.

"Jesus, Noah! There's kids around here!", I whispered.

"Whoops. Sorry."

"Anyways, so Elle, there's something I've been needing to tell you."

"Ok, what is it?", I ask eagerly.

"When I was talking with my parents on the phone a couple days ago, they had an idea. A great idea actually."

"They told me that they were willing to get us an apartment near Harvard, so we wouldn't have to stay in the dorms anymore."

"What! Noah are you serious? That's crazy! I can't believe it!", I say.

"They'd be willing to pay for it?"

"Oh yeah.", Noah said.

"They said it's no problem and they'd be happy to help us out!"

There was definitely no denying that the Flynn's had money. Lots of money. My dad would never be able to afford that. I wouldn't even be at Harvard if it wasn't for winning the dance contest.

"Aww Noah! I'd love that!"

I lean across the table and give Noah a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait... What about Lee? What's gonna happen to him?"

"Ummm... I'm not actually sure."

"But hey. I'm sure that he's going to understand that we need our space and everything."

"Yeah. Of course", I said.

But somehow I wasn't so sure that Lee was going to be fond of our idea.


"What the actual f*** Elle.", Lee said.

He was really angry.

"Lee I-"

He cut me off.

"So you guys are just gonna leave me, all alone here? Start your new life without me?"

"Lee common it's not going to be like that.", Noah tried to reason with him.

"Of course it isn't.", Lee said sarcastically.

"Listen, do whatever the hell you want. But this... this is over. I can't deal with you two anymore."

"Lee wait! I screamed.

It was too late, he was already out the door.

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