Chapter 12 - Sneaking Around

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*Hi Everyone! The story hit over 1K reads this weekend! Just wanted to quickly thank everyone who's read and supported the story so far! I really appreciate all the votes & comments you guys have left me :) This is my first time writing a story! I honestly didn't think anyone was going to read it! Haha. Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the book!*


"Shhhhh!!", Lee calls out. He's walking towards Miss Bertha's desk to distract her so Noah can sneak me into his room.

Noah and I giggle. We're waiting for Lee to give us the signal to run.

"Hi Miss Bertha.", Lee says.

"Hello, Mr. Flynn. What can I do for you?"

I really don't understand why she calls everyone by their last name, but whatever.

"Ummmm well...", Lee mutters.

"There's a problem in my bathroom."

"Oh. What kind of problem?"

"So I had just finished using the toilet, when all of a sudden it started overflowing!"

Noah and I cover our mouths. I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now!

"Oh dear. Well thank you for telling me, Mr. Flynn. Let's go upstairs to see what the issue is."

As Miss Bertha heads for the elevator, Lee turns around and starts waving frantically for us to run. Noah and I dash to the staircase. We're going to need to run crazy fast. Noah's room is right beside Lee's so that doesn't give us much time to get there before Bertha and Lee.

I laugh as we run.

"Shelly be quiet!!", Noah yells.

I start laughing even more.

"Common! Let's get a move on!"

Noah's chuckles.

Right when we open the door to the second floor, I realize we're too late! Lee and Bertha are almost at his door!

"Shit! What are we gonna do Noah?", I ask.

"I don't know. Ok, you know what. Let's wait for them to go inside, then we'll tip-toe to my room."

"I don't know about this Noah??"

"Trust me, Shelly.", he gives me a smirk.

"Well, okay."

Lee opens his door and Bertha goes in.

"And... Now!".

Me and Noah run down the hallway to his room. We're trying to be really quiet but it's really hard because I'm carrying two suitcases.

When we get there, we are out of breath.

"We made it!", Noah says panting.

"We sure did!", I say a bit too loudly.

"Jesus Elle!!"

"She might here you!"

"Right. Sorry!!"

When Noah gets the key out of his pocket I hear Bertha.

"Mr. Flynn I don't know what your talking about. There's no problem here! I don't see any flooding!"

I can't see Lee, but I can tell he's really nervous right know. If they find out what we're doing, he could get kicked out of Harvard! Let alone Noah and me.

"Common Lee!", I whisper under my breath,

"Hmmm that's so weird!! I swear there was water coming out of the toilet when I left.", Lee says stuttering.


"Well then if everything's alright, I'll be going."

"Okay, thanks Miss Bertha."

"No worries. And if anything happens again, let me know."

"Will do, bye!"

Bertha comes close to the door.

"Shit. Noah hurry up!! She's coming!", I say panicking.

"I'm trying, but I can't get the key in my door! It won't go in!"

"Here give it too me.", I ask Noah.

Luckily, I'm able too unlock the door. Noah and I dash into his room and then lock the door.

"Phew! We made it!", I say.

"We sure did.", Noah smirks.

"Oh hold on, I'm getting a text from Lee."


Elle Texting Lee:

Elle: Hey! Great job keeping Bertha distracted. Me and Noah are in his room safe and sound.

Lee: Awh, it was nothing. 😏 Glad it worked out.

Elle: So, me and Noah are gonna hang for a bit. Then do you wanna get ice cream or something?


"Come here Shelly."

Noah picked me up and dumped me onto his bed. He pinned me down and we started to make out. Since I was very petite and Noah was really muscular and tall, it made things a bit complicated. I always felt like I was being squished, but Noah was really gentle so I didn't mind.

He slid of my shirt and unbuttoned my jeans. I blushed. Noah starting kissing my neck. God, I could do this for hours. 

"You look so sexy, Elle."

"I love you so much Noah.", I say softley.

"And I love you."

I brush his lip with my finger. Then I unbutton his shirt. He takes his belt and pants off. -----

After we finish, Noah and I talk for a while. I tell him how nervous I am about my first day, but Noah says I shouldn't worry. He says it's not as scary as everyone says it is. I hope he's right.

Later that night, Noah, Lee and I go out for ice cream, then I go back to my dorm and start unpacking. My room isn't as fancy as Noah or Lee's but it's pretty nice. It has a desk, bed, nightstand, bathroom and dresser. 

Tomorrow, Noah is taking me and Lee for a tour on campus. We still have a week until classes officially start but we want to make sure we're prepared!


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