Chapter 10 - Goodbye Hollywood, Hello Harvard

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Today's the day! I can hardly believe it. I had so much trouble sleeping last night due to all the nervous butterflies in my stomach swarming around. I had so much on my mind. I scramble out of bed and go to the bathroom. After I finish having my shower, I put on the outfit I'm wearing to the airport. A blue crop top, white ripped jeans, and the leather jacket Noah gave to me last summer. Cute but casual. It's a bit hard for me to do my makeup and hair because everything is already in my suitcases, ready to go. Luckily I saved a few basic things like foundation, blush, and mascara. I have to look some what presentable. I am going to Harvard after all. And... I want to look extra good for Noah.

One empty room and two extra large pink and white suitcases stare at me as I text Lee. He's on his way to pick me up. Almost everything in my room is gone, except for my desk and bed.

When I walk down the stairs, Dad and Brad are waiting for me. Dad always tries to put on a brave face, but he's not very good at it. I can see right through him.

"Need some help with the suitcases kiddo?", he asks.

"Yeah, sure dad. Thanks.", I say with a gentle smile.

While Dad goes to deal with the suitcases, I talk with Brad for a bit.

"So... I'm really gonna miss you buddy. Driving you to soccer, playing Xbox, watching scary movies. You name it."

"I'm going to miss you so much Elle.", says Brad as he wraps his tiny arms around my waste.

"You're the best big big sister in the whole world."

"And you're the best little brother", I say ruffling his dark, curly hair.

"But hey, you're going to be okay without me right? I'll be back to visit as often as I can and I'll be home all summer."

"I'll be ok.", he says with the cutest smile.

Dad comes downstairs with the suitcases.

"My goodness! Elle what did you pack in here?", he says chuckling.

"Oh nothing much. Just the bear necessities.", I say with a goofy smile.

"Come here Elle Bear."

Dad gives me a long hug.

"Make good choices Elle.", he whispers ever so quietly in my ear.

I give him a confused, what do you mean face.

"With Noah, Elle. As much as I like the idea, I really don't want to become a grandpa right now,"

My cheeks turn red as a fire engine. I'm so embarrassed. I really wish Lee hadn't given me a pack of condoms in front of him last year at our birthday party. He definitely knows we're having sex.

"Of course", I say trying to hide my awkwardness.

I hear Lee honking his horn from outside. Thank goodness. I need to get away from any more awkward situations that may come.

"Oh hold on.", dad says.

"There's something I need to give to you before you go."


He hands me a stunning baby blue neckless.

"It's from your mother."

"She asked me to give this to you before you go to college."

"Thank you dad.", I say.

I give him one last hug before Lee walks in.

"Hey Mr. Evan's, Brad! Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

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