Chapter Two - Magic

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"Why do you keep hurting me?" I ask furiously, tears streaming down my face and hitting the carpet below me.

"It's fun." He replies, the same evil glint in his eyes that he has all the time. "I like seeing you suffer." He laughs venomously before placing the lit smoke to my skin again, causing the skin to burn. I wince and look away. If I scream, he'll just do worse.

"Please stop. It hurts." I plead, keeping hold of the beige teddy bear in my arms.

He ignores my pleads and punches me in the stomach, probably puncturing my kidney in the process. The wind is knocked out of me as he throws me on the ground, laughing at me.

"You're so hopeless." He spits viciously. Slowly and painfully, I lift myself off the floor, leaving the teddy bear on he ground, only to suddenly feel a sharp pain to my stomach.

I don't scream, I don't cry, I just put my hands to the wounded area as I drop to my knees. My vision already starts going blurry as the blood pours from my stomach, staining the white carpet.

He continues to laugh at me as I ever so slowly lose blood. I grab the handle of the knife that is sunk into my skin and rip it out, finally screaming in pain.

He's enjoying this. He likes watching me scream in pain as he hurts me over and over again. He feels happy when I suffer. I hate him.

I let the knife slide out of my hands as I slowly give up. No one is around to help me. They have all left me. Nobody cares that I suffer this pain.

So I give up and let the blackness take over.


"Come on, Aimee." My vocal coach, Sofia, encourages me. "You're just not in it today. You have to pick up your game."

"Why don't you do it then?" I snap, glaring at her. I'm tired of everyone telling me to 'pick up my game'. They've been working me non-stop. I just need a break.

She sighs and closes her eyes, squeezing the bridge of her nose. "Look, just take ten minutes for a break and then we'll work on it more."

"Fine." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest and going off the stage. I grab a water bottle and take the biggest drink from it, throwing the empty bottle in the bin afterwards.

"Aimee, what's wrong with you?" Liam asks as I go back on stage. Four of the boys are sitting on fold-out chairs on the floor, looking up at me on the stage. Harry is getting his outfit checked again for the concert.

"Nothing." I smile innocently, shrugging.

"The concert is in two days and you are doing it all wrong." Zayn states, giving me a look.

I shrug and sit on the floor, starting to do sit ups.

"What are you doing?" Louis questions, cocking an eyebrow at me.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing? I'm staying fit." I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Technically it is, but these boys are so stupid.

"You look fine." Niall mumbles. It's the first time I've heard him speak today.

"'Fine' won't get me boys." I mock him, knowing it will make him upset and jealous. I like hurting him now. He deserves it all.

"You don't need another guy." Liam narrows his eyes at me, so I get up and smile innocently at my brother.

"Yeah, you're right. He'll probably hurt me as well." I smile smugly at Niall before turning around to walk off. That would have hurt him bad. He knows what he did and now I'm tearing him apart.

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