Author's Note - MUST READ!

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Hey everyone!

Ok, there are a few things we need to go through in this Author's Note, so let's get started, shall we?

1. Thank you all so, so much for reading, commenting, voting and fanning! Your comments always encourage me and I love reading all your comments. You lot mean so much to me and I hope I have pleased you enough with this and the previous story in this series.

2. (Please don't hate me for this one). Ok, I have decided that there will still only be three books in this series, instead of four. So, the third book was going to be called 'Keep Holding On' and was going to be starring Ruth, but that will no longer be apart of the series, so what was going to be the fourth book will now become the third book.

Please don't hate me for that. On my other Wattpad account (@xAustralianKiss), I might be starting the story called 'Keep Holding On', just separately and not starring Ruth. (Sorry, but it'd be weird if I had her in this series and than in another story :P). Don't worry, Ruth, because you will still be in the now third book in this series. I will try to put you in as much as I can.

3. The fourth book that is now the third book will be called 'Rest Of My Life'. I am unsure when I am posting the first chapter for that, but hopefully very soon. But I will give you an inside scoop by giving you the summary to it. Here it is:

It’s 2017 and Aimee’s twin children, Liam and Liana, have just turned three. From the time they were born, Aimee knew who the father was, but she had no idea how it was even possible. She now lives in a small cottage with her children in Mullingar.

She knows she doesn’t live near Niall, but when Harry is visiting Niall one day, he hears her singing at the restaurant she works at and knows it’s her. She allows him to meet her son and daughter and he continues to visit.

Niall knows something is going on because Harry is constantly coming up with excuses to visit and then leave Niall’s house. When he follows him one day, he now realises why Harry has been sneaking off; he’s been visiting Aimee. Of course, Niall goes and visits her himself, but things will be different and so much has changed. Does Aimee still love Niall? Will she tell him the truth? Will she let him back in?

I may change the summary slightly (not the plotline), but I think I'm pleased with that.

And that's about everything I have to say. Once again, thank you guys for everything. It means a lot and I love you all so, so, so much!

Bye for now, not forever. ;)


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