Chapter Thirteen - Live While We're Young

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"Aimee, hurry up!" Liam calls from the lounge room where all the lads - plus Violet, Perrie and Ruth -  wait. It's been two weeks since we became friends again, and tonight we are going out to a club. Don't know why; we just are.

"I'm coming!" I call back, adding my last layer of red lip gloss.

My outfit is a simple black, skin-tight dress with red pumps and straightened hair. I have winged eyeliner with a thick layer of mascara and some bronzer and lip gloss, but that's about it.

I throw my phone, hotel room key and some cash into my red clutch purse, and exit the room.

"Let's go, bitches!" I shout at them. They jump at the sudden noise, but rise from their chairs nonetheless.

They follow me out of the hotel room and down to the lobby where Paul and Rick wait to take us to the club. We don't get to go to clubs much on tour, so whenever we are allowed, we jump for the opportunity.

Paul and Rick escort us to the van and we are driven to the club. When we pull up, we get out and enter the packed club. The music is booming through the hundreds of speakers, the purple, green and blue neon lights are almost blinding, and there are glasses and beer bottles scattered everywhere.

"I'm getting a drink." Niall says before pulling me to the bar. "Want one?"

I nod and he orders for us. Minutes later, I have an Apple Martini in hand.

"You planning on getting drunk?" I question loudly, sipping at my drink.

"Live while we're young, right?" He answers with a question, smiling.

I shrug and nod in agreement. "You really like alcohol, don't you?"

Once again, he answers the question with another question. "I'm Irish, aren't I?"

After getting completely wasted, Niall, Louis, Violet and I decide to go dance. Harry has scattered off somewhere, probably to makeout with a random chick, and Liam and Ruth are keeping an eye on Zayn and Perrie, who are not being very well behaved.

"Imagine a cat randomly running in here." Niall slurs, dancing next to me. The four of us are sort of dancing in a circle, Violet facing me and Louis facing Niall.

I giggle and bite my bottom lip. "You're so weird, Nialler."

"I'm just saying that it would be pretty fucking awesome." His eyelids are half closed and I know we will have to leave soon.

"It'd be weird." Violet replies, giggling with me.

"Don't worry, Nialler, I think it would be awesome as well." Louis adds, gripping Niall's shoulder.

"Thanks, Lou." Niall laughs. "At least someone understands me." He pokes his tongue out at me like a child, but I do it back, so that makes me a child as well.

"Guys, Paul said we have to go." Liam suddenly yells.

"Nooo!" I cry, gripping to Niall's side.

"Come on! We could have some fun." He suggests in my ear.

I giggle and finally agree, Louis and Violet following behind us as we are escorted back to the van by Rick while Paul, Ruth and Liam search for Zayn, Harry and Perrie.

"Louis, you look so funny." I giggle, trying to focus my eyes on him, but he looks kind of fuzzy.

"So do you!" He giggles just as much, resting his head on Violet's shoulder. "We all look so funny."

"Ok, maybe you guys shouldn't have drank so much." Violet says. She is slightly drunk, but not enough for her to stumble around.

"Oh, don't be such a party pooper!" Niall yells. "Live while we're young, motherfuckers."

"Whatever you say, Nialler." I laugh, leaning against him.

"Found them!" Liam shouts as he opens the door and shoves Perrie, Harry and Zayn in, him and Ruth following after. Ruth and Violet are like, never drunk. They take the fun out of 'fun'.

"Leeyum?" I call.


"I think you should stop drinking so much. You get too wasted all the time." I say sarcastically, the van falling into fits of laughter.

"Yeah, because I'm the one that gets wasted." He mumbles, laughing at his little sister.

Once we arrive at the hotel, we are escorted up to our level, as per usual.

"Bye, guys!" I shout as we split ways, Niall coming with me and Harry coming the same way. "Same time next week!"

"Yeah, you wish!" Liam calls after, making us fall into a fit of giggles.

"So, Harold..." I trail off, not really intending on saying anything as I skip in between Harry and Niall.

"So, Aimee..." He replies, winking. "Niall going back to your hotel room?"


"Ok, just don't tell me what you're doing."

"We're going to play our own special game." Niall winks at me as we reach Harry's hotel room.

"Like Charades or something!" I add.

"Sure you are." Harry mumbles, sliding his key and opening his door. "See you tomorrow, guys."

"Bye!" We say in unison before going to my hotel room.

"So, how about that game of charades?" I ask as we enter my bedroom. I slip my shoes off.

"How about another game?" Niall suggests, pushing me against the wall. "Like sex with your friend?"

I giggle at the name. "That's cute, Nialler."

He pouts. "It's not cute."

I laugh. "Fine. I like that game."

"Good." He moves me from the wall and immediately slips my dress over my head, looking me up and down after.

"Pervert." I mumble, pulling him back against me and crashing my lips to his.

"Mmm." He moans against my lips, asking for entrance as his tongue traces my bottom lip. I grant him access and our tongues fight for dominance. I taste every aspect of his mouth while I tug at his hair, making him moan.

He grips under my thighs, causing me to gasp, and forces my legs around his waist as he pushes me further against the wall. Suddenly, he pulls away and moves his lips to my ear, whispering, "I'm gonna fuck you better than Harry ever did."

"Please do." I moan, grinding my hips into his.

He moves us to the bed, not disconnecting our bodies as he falls on top of me and his lips connect to my neck.

"Should we be doing this?" I blurt before I could stop myself.

Like before, he answers my question with another question.

"Live while we're young, right?"


Author's Note:

Needed to add that. I just had to. not many chapters to go. Ok, on to the next chapter!


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