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2 years later


Jimin had always found words interesting.

The way they interconnected to form phrases, some more meaningful than others. The way that sometimes even the shortest phrases were the most meaningful.

Just one word could change the entire meaning of a sentence. The fact that one word could hold so much power over a human being astonished him.

Phrases like "I hate you". They could break a person into pieces, like a knife was being poked into their very soul.

But over time, the "I hate you's" could transform, molding and mutating into entirely different feelings. With the shifting of a person, a person's emotions, came the shifting of those words.

"I love you."

If I hate you broke a thousand hearts, I love you could fix a thousand more.

The shift from I hate you to I love you was one of the most minuscule. Just a single word. Love and Hate. They both had the same amount of letters, the same amount of syllables, yet they made an impact of the greatest extent when switched.

Jimin had felt a lot of emotions in his time. Thought a lot of words (although in the past very few of them had been spoken).

Emotions towards his now jailed father. Love and admiration that morphed into fear that morphed into pure hatred.

Emotions towards his boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. He guessed there may have been a little bit of fear in the beginning, a little bit of disgust, but somewhere during those first few months something had been planted in his mind. Something that caused him to fall in love with him.

It had been years now, but he was still falling deeper and deeper with every minute that passed in Jungkook's company. Just as much as he had back in the very beginning.

Emotions towards himself.

Those were the ones that had changed the most prominently throughout the past few years. The ones that truly suited the Hate/Love analogy.

Without a doubt, Jimin used to hate himself. For who he was as a person, something he knew he could never change.

But although he himself couldn't change, the way he viewed himself could. With a little help from a boy he loved more than anything else that had ever walked the Earth.

And now, he was finally accepting himself for who he was.

In short, there were many things that Jimin found astonishing. Words, emotions, phrases. There were things he understood, and things he didn't.

He was only 18, after all. With a whole world ahead of him, and nothing tying him to the little town he once called home, there was a lot to learn.

But if there was one thing he knew right at that very moment, it was that he loved Jungkook.

And as he stared out at those rolling green hills he had learned to love for the very last time, suitcase in hand, he knew he was ready to go.

To leave this place behind with no regrets.

To spend the rest of his live with Jungkook.

Because no matter where he was, anywhere with him was his true home.



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