n e x t l e v e l

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Uh uh.

This song is not it.

Let me start out by saying, this is no way bashing the girls. It's more like bashing the producer who thought it was a good idea to make the song the way they did.

I did not like the song. At first I was good with it, I was fine. It kinda had that futuristic-action-badass vibe to it. And I was into that. But then they switched it up mid song when the girl, idk her name, came in with the high notes. I was like "okay, this sounds more like bridge material, but whatever". So I continued to listen and then they switched it up again.

To 90's hip hop.

Girl what?

How could u go from action badass to Celine dion to 90's theme? That doesn't make sense. And it doesn't flow nice. Like it didn't connect as smoothly. Or at least to me it didn't.

And in the song they said beat drop. Honey that wasn't a beat drop, that was a complete song change. It's like there are three songs in one. And y'all know me, y'all know I hate songs like that. Especially if they don't flow together.

It was just a bad move imo, and the could've kept that part out and moved the high note part towards the end for a bridge. Now every time I listen to it, cause I tried to make it grow on me, I just wanna throw something bc it doesn't sound good and it annoys me how it was placed. I literally skip over that entire part when I listen to it on YouTube. That's how much it irks me.

An example of a good switch up is House Party by Super Junior. Now that. THAT is a switch up. It flowed perfectly between funky pop and hip hop/ r&b. Nothing sounded out of place, everything fit together like it was supposed to be there. It was perfect. Next Level producers, take notes. That's how you produce a good switch up song.

Moving on from the terribly produced song, the dancing was good. The first time I saw them do the hand thing for the chorus I was so confused lol. I was like "wait which way is their hand moving?" I only know karina and she killed it. I liked her in black mamba too. See now black mamba is a well produced song. Make another black mamba and we'll be good.

I didn't watch the mv, I'm too lazy so. Not even gonna talk about that.

I also don't know any other members than Karina sooooooooo not gonna speak on them either.

This was more like a rant than a feedback bc I feel like I complained about song more than I gave it compliments but. What can you do?

But yeah, this is very short. I just wanted to get that off my chest. Black mamba beats next level all day, everyday. Karina is a fantastic dancer. Whoever produced next level should never produce again. And that's about it.

Overall score:

4 out of 10

If they didn't switch up the song so much, it would definitely be higher.

Again, Wattpad is being a little bitch so I can't upload a gif of all the the girls for next level

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Again, Wattpad is being a little bitch so I can't upload a gif of all the the girls for next level.

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