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Twice aren't the best vocalists. Doesn't mean they can't sing, they obviously can I mean queen jihyo hello, but to me they aren't the best girl group when it comes to strong, live vocals.

Like I watched their MAMA performance (it may have been another award show) of fancy and jihyo did not sound good live. And that was one of my first times watching them live, I watched a few more of their other ones before, but they still didn't sound that great. So I guess I lowered my expectations since then? I know they can sing, but from what I've seen, they don't excel when it comes to live singing. Kinda like Selena Gomez.

Speaking of Jihyo, her and Nayeon have so many lines, that although I love them, it annoys me. I want to hear the other girls like momo and jeongyeon have more lines and be more appreciated. Bc bitch the two of them killed me in more and more. Especially jeongyeon when she came in.

While on the subject of momo, why is my girl always in the back? Like she is the main dancer, she's the best dancer in twice (jihyo coming in right behind her), she comes up with her own choreo, so why is she always in the back of formations?

Also, get off her dick. That whole thing with her sounding bad during the more and more encore was just horrible to see. Not bc of her but bc of how many ppl were bashing her. She's insecure about her singing and jyp, the little shit, makes her sing in a higher nasal voice to fit the image of twice. That ain't her fault. From what I saw, she knew she didn't sound that great, so why y'all gotta bully her? Y'all are assholes

Their stylist needs to be fired.

Idk if they come up with the clothes or what, but I've always had a problem with their outfits. More and More was the last straw, I mean it looks like their stylist just went through a closet blindfolded and grabbed whatever was in front of them. I will say for the live stage when they were wearing the blue jeans, that was cute. But there are more bad outfits than good. Fancy and feel special were the best era's for their clothes. Yes or yes and more and more are probably their worst.

Likey will always win.

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