t w i c e ' s c o n c e p t

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I've seen a lot onces fighting over this, and I'm like why? It's legit just a hypothetical question of what concept twice would fit other than cutesy, girl crush.

Why y'all so pressed?

Anyways if your one of the once's who take shit too seriously and don't like talking about theoretical situations, goodbye, cause imma be talk allllll about that.


I get why they haven't changed up there style until recently. Their voices don't really fit any other concepts, and their image is just CUTE in flashing lights. It makes sense that they'd keep doing what their doing.

But that doesn't mean some members can't kill it with other concepts.

For instance, I was watching their Move cover (again) and was thinking "wow they're flipping amazing" and instantly thought momo fit the song so well.

Like I know that's not her real voice but she fits the dark, sultry concept amazingly. If she ever goes solo or makes a solo comeback, she should definitely go down the taemin path.

Now chaeyeon, despite having a baby face, she killed me in breakthrough and fancy. She was in full on baddie mode. If she made a solo comeback where they gave her an actual rap and let her sound like an actual rapper, I would have that shit on repeat. I know she can rap well, I've seen her pre-debut stuff. But with the concept being what it was for so many years, I feel like she's never really been able to show her true potential. Until breakthrough. Like that was just a snippet of her shining through.

A lot of once's said that they wouldn't fit any other concept and ppl should stop trying change that.

Ummmmmmm, I beg to differ. I strongly beg to differ.

I think they can fit a different concept, they just haven't been given the chance. And they have such a large male audience who like that cutesy shit, so I assume that's why their concept hadn't changed since debut. Jyp is playing it safe as to not lose fans. I'm sure, if given the opportunity, twice would completely annihilate a darker, sexy vibe. I know momo would kill me and I would be okay with that.

I'm glad they changed up their sound in recent comebacks. I never like to listen to bands who have the same concept and same sound over and over again. It gets lame. I hope jyp continues to let them grow with their music. More and More was their most mature sounding song with the most complex choreo and it has been my favorite comeback ever.

Well, they're having a comeback soon, pretty sure its in a couple of weeks. I am sooooo looking forward to it. Maybe it will top more and more.

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