b t s

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I used to be a fan, but I think I spent so much time and energy on them, I got bored. Plus, army had a hand in ruining the experience for me.

They ARE overrated. To me anyways. They maybe started off small and had to work hard but what group doesn't? They kinda get put on a pedestal and I'm like why? They are like every other idol group.  They are good, I enjoy more of their old stuff, but some of their new stuff is good as well. On was a good song. Fake Love and DNA are overrated. I had to delete them from my playlist bc I would get annoyed from hearing them so often (the songs lol)

Save me + I'm fine *chefs kiss*

I see a lot of ppl say that bts are dicks and the fame got to them. The fame didn't get to bts. They are still humbled and talented. The fame got to the fandom. Now Army (not all) think they are superior and think bts is the only deserving group.


Lowkey would for die namjoon and his dimples tho.

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