svt + cupid situation

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jesus christ

This is officially seventeens second controversy in their entire careers.

And I'm here to talk about it. What a surprise.

So for those who don't know, the dude who made Cupid shuffle came out and said that seventeen stole his song bc the beats and rhythm sound the same.

Now obviously, not wanting to go in blind, I listened to both and even watched a video where the two were mashed together.

I will say there are definitely some similarities in the beginning with the claps, but that's it. And last time I checked Cupid doesn't own claps. If that were the case, no one would be able to make music. And to say they straight up stole the song? It doesn't sound that similar my man.

My biggest problem with this whole thing is the ppl that are calling them racist and anti black.


are u dumb or are u dumb?

Why are u making this about race when it's about music? This has nothing to do with skin color so why are you bringing it up?

And if Cupid feels like his song was sampled without his knowledge, then yeah, he should try to contact pledis. Key word TRY

Pledis is a shit company and will most likely keep silent.

And to all the entitled army's: why are you here? Why are you even speaking up? And saying the l&r flopped like? Are u okay? This is their best comeback yet and ur saying it...flopped?

Sorry, I just giggled in disgust.

"We only attack others when they attack our boys"


When did carats attack the boys?

You're literally just looking for a reason to bash on svt. Worry about ur faves and we'll worry about ours.

And you wonder why y'all are the most hated fandom.

Going back to the situation at hand, to say they straight up stole the song is a bit of a stretch. I know the Cupid shuffle was very popular in the US, still is. I bop to it every time at a family gathering. But it's Korea. They have their own genres of music, American music isn't being blasted all day, every day. So what's the chance they blatantly found this song and said "hey this has a nice beat let's use it"? I mean it's freaking Woozi and Bumzu. They're in the studio 24/7.

Plus the copyright laws could be different in Korea than in America so that's gonna be a struggle in itself if he sues.

I honestly don't know what to say. I think he's blowing things out of proportion and he wants clout bc he mentioned bts and someone else when it has nothing to do with them. Like even professionals and students who are studying music in college said svt didn't steal nor sampled the song. The beats are completely different.

Stop making this about race. Just bc he's a black man who thinks his song was stolen doesn't make it anti black.

Lets see what happens.

Ps- I saw a tweet that said "svt is getting more and more problematic"

Svt has literally only had one other controversy in their entire career. I'm not counting the kyla situation bc that's just her and her siblings being obsessed and all the rumors were proven false. They're not problematic, pledis is horrible and ppl want to bash them when they see other ppl doing it.

Edit 8/16:

So I'm now certain he's only doing this for the clout and money.

I saw screenshots of him responding to comments about making money off of kpop bands bc they make a lot of money.  Then someone recommended to make a collab with svt cause that will bring him even more money and Cupid said, and I quote, "that's the plan".

My guy is a washed out, broke, one hit wonder who is obviously grasping for relevance.
This is the most attention he's got since 2007.

And I saw many, both non-carats and non-kpoppers, say in the comments they didn't hear any similarities between the two songs when they listened to the music video. Many antis were asking ppl to time stamp the part where they "sampled" the song.


Just say ur stupid for believing a greedy wannabe and go.

Also ppl are using the excuse "they even used the words left and right they obviously sampled it". . .I didn't know Cupid had rights over the lyrics left and right. Welp he should probably sue every other artist that used those lyrics.

i can't tell you how many times I've heard western songs sound exactly the same and use the same lyrics as other songs but do ppl accuse them of plagiarizing? "Sampling"? No.

If that were the case, then many rap songs today wouldn't be made bc they would all sound the same and ppl would be asking for that dough. *cough cough* mumble rap.

At the end the day, seventeen didn't steal shit and everyone who believed Cupid are simple and gullible.

Also, bye to the carats who instantly believed this accusation and didn't even try to stand with the boys

I hate all of u and I'm glad ur gone ❤️🥰


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