It's Gettin' Hot In Here

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I don't regret that title, fight me.


Rin had just finished setting up the kotatsu she'd retrieved from the place people usually left their garbage when her phone rang. It was Yukio's ID, so she picked it up and raised a brow when Shura greeted her cheerfully.

"Did you ambush my brother?" She asked first. Shura gave a hearty laugh and Rin heard her twin grumbling in the background. That was a yes, then.

"And aren't you still in the hospital?" She asked second.

"I'm getting released later today. Could ya do me a solid and ask your friends if they're free tomorrow?" The woman requested. Rin could hear the gleeful grin in her voice.

"Sure...." She answered hesitantly.

"Great! See ya tomorrow, kid!" Shura hung up. Rin wondered if she even wanted to know what Shura was getting up to before shrugging and opening up the group chat

Choke Me

Discount Yankee Candle: Who's free tomorrow

Rbf: Yup.

Crocs: yuh

Purple People Eater: Me.

Four Leafed-Clover: I am :)

Nya: I am as well.

Purple People Eater: Why? Study Session?

Discount Yankee Candle: Nah, it's a surprise. Just go with it. I'll give you more deets tomorrow.

Crocs: A bit sus, but okay

Rbf: You've been banned from using that word from now on, too ironic.

Crocs: :'(

Purple People Eater: Bendyyyy.img

Rin clicked the image open only to laugh out loud into her empty dorm as a picture of a bendy straw popped up.

Choke Me

People People Eater: Suck it up.

Crocs: I miss childhood :')

Nya: Childhood doesn't miss you, you hot fucking mess.

Discount Yankee Candle: I always forget how much more openly savage Koneko is in the gc.

Rin closed the Group Chat and retrieved her old Gameboy and a snack to munch on while she passed the time. She honestly would've gotten a job on or near Campus if being an Exorcist didn't mean random work hours that would probably get her fired at a normal job.


"An all day bath house reservation!" Shura cheered, holding Yukio hostage in a headlock with his face almost smothered in her chest.

"Nice." Rin commented, carefully freeing her brother from her Mentor's grip.

"Shiro's coming along as adult supervision since I apparently don't count." Shura informed them, pouting. Rin's and Yukio's adoptive father snorted.

"You expected different?"


A short train ride later and they arrived at a familiar bath house.

"Hey, we came here a couple times when I was little!" Rin recalled.

"Really?" Suguro raised a brow.

"It was when we were really little and I could still pass for a boy with longish hair. Dad wouldn't let me go to the girls side. We only came a couple times though." Rin explained.

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