Wait For Me

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Wait For Me (Title by Kings Of Leon)

Hey, Jay - I am gonna regret this in the morning, but my cousin kind of challenged me, so here goes nothing: I fucking miss you!

Wish I was already back in Chicago! You could come and pick me up before I drink even more, and we could, ya know, do everything we did last weekend all over again and... or dance! I wonder what it's like to dance with you... You see I really wanna be with you right now! I mean... I... how you touch me it's just out of this world - I may have even told my cousins that... Oh my god, I am making a fool of myself. Sorry, I... Ay Louisa: Cómo puedo borrar lo que acabo de grabar? Ow...shit!

Will watched his brother, who was barely able to hide the big fat grin on his face, come back into Molly's.

So that phone business he had gone to take care of outside couldn't have been work-related.

"Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" Will nudged his side slightly when Jay returned to the bar.

"Nothing..." The younger one took up his bottle of beer to drown it and switch to something non-alcoholic like he usually did when driving.

"Jay, you should seriously take a look in the mirror! I think I haven't seen you grin like that in ages..."

Contemplating if he should open up Jay was silent for a moment, playing with the label on his bottle.

"Alright... I just got a voice message from Rianne, a pretty drunk one... I think she tried to delete it and accidentally sent it... she's at her cousin's wedding in LA tonight. So, yeah... she basically said she misses me and some other... stuff... this is so stupid, I feel like I am 16 again."

There was another pause on Jay's end before he laughed incredulously and looked Will straight in the eyes:

"Man, I think I am head over heels for this woman! And I don't even know when it happened!"

Will had thought he would not live to see the day that his brother blushed over admitting he had a crush on someone. But Jay indeed was grinning like an idiot and scratching his cheek, which Will knew was a gesture of sheepishness with him.

"So? That's great news bro! I'm happy for you!"

Not that he wouldn't have liked to tell Jay that he had told him so all along, but he kept his mouth shut for once. Will still thought he had played an important role in pushing these two knuckleheads in the right direction. Of course Jay wouldn't be Jay if he didn't find a fault with a good thing:

"...and yet I keep thinking: I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to be this giddy and happy and forget about everything else when I am with her."

"That is exactly what you deserve Jay! This is good for you! Don't let yourself convince you otherwise! You know that there is so much more to life than work!" he cried out exasperatedly, shoving his brother's arm.

Sometimes he wondered if Jay and him were really related. Their attitude towards life was so different. Not that the feeling to be undeserving was so foreign to Will and he was certainly a workaholic too, it ran in the family, but Jay seemed to have a subscription to it.

"Just go be with her as soon as she's back! Tell her how you feel and make this a real thing!"

"Don't you think it's too soon? I mean she told me she could only take this step by step. You know her history probably better than I do, so this is not like she's any woman."

"No, she's certainly not. But she somehow chose you. If she wanted out she'd be out by now, trust me. Rianne doesn't need you per se, but she obviously wants you! Although I am not sure what is so special about your stubborn ass..." Will chuckled lightly at Jay's indignant glance:

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