Back To Black

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Back To Black (Title by Sam Fender)

Jay had been constantly checking his phone because he was worried about Rianne and Nate being alone together.

Adjusting back into work and getting accustomed to the new cases had kept him busy to some extend. But when checking out his and Will's suits at the men's tailor later he had been thoroughly distracted, getting reprimanded by his brother, because his head was not in the game and Will thought he was an old worrywart.

Jay didn't feel good about this. Not because he didn't trust his girlfriend (which still sounded new in his ears), he didn't trust Nate. Not one bit. The other Ruzek hadn't looked too healthy after all that time away as one would have hoped. He knew if he had gone there against her wishes Rianne wouldn't have forgiven him for not respecting her. But just sitting around waiting on the outcome sucked so much he was close to losing his mind.

"It's going to be alright Jay. She's going to figure this out with him!" Will tried to reason with him for the hundredth time since he had been told what was going on.

They had gone back to Jay's apartment after their appointment. First there had been some dusting to be done after not being in here for so long. Jay had gone through his mail, but then there was really nothing he could keep himself focused on, so thankfully Will kept him company.

"What if they're not? What if I am just straight out of luck again?" Jay hadn't known that his mistrust in his luck concerning relationships could be triggered that easily, but it was.

Half an hour ago Rianne had finally texted him that she would be coming over to his place now. No information on what had gone down whatsoever. He couldn't help but be a little angry. If it was at her or Nate or the situation in general or the fact he could do nothing about it, he didn't exactly know.

So when the bell went off Jay shot up from where he had been sitting with Will on his couch, nursing a beer to calm down his nerves. Buzzing Rianne up and holding open his apartment door he raised his eyebrows in shock when he saw her coming up. What the hell...?

"Can we crash with you for a while?" She sounded a little out of breath and had a backpack, a suitcase and Límon in a cat-carrier with her.

"There's actually more in the car... and I brought your stuff too..." she admitted guiltily when she caught him staring at her baggage.

"Of course, what happened?"

His nosy brother was coming towards that entry-way spectacle too. Being the polite person that she was Rianne greeted him first before elaborating:

"Hi Will..."

"Hi angel!" Will smiled at her charmingly, kissing both her cheeks and taking the suitcase from her.

Jay threw his brother an annoyed look. He just couldn't leave well enough alone. After being let in and putting all her stuff down, Rianne kept babbling:

"I really hope this is okay with you. Otherwise I would have to bunk with Casey, Severide and Stella, because there are bed bugs at Hermann's place right now. I could have stayed at Stella's little room there as she's shacking up with Kelly most of the time anyway."

"No! Are you kidding me?" Jay was a little offended that she had even considered staying with someone other than him.

"You can stay as long as you want to. In fact I don't want you to go anywhere else..." Letting some of his earlier anger go, he went over to her and hugged Rianne tight.

He should take into account that she had indeed come back to him, he told himself, but he was still anxious. It was hard to wait until he got the full story on why she had felt like she had to move out of her home in the first place.

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