I Would Die 4 U

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I Would Die 4 U (Title by Bear's Den, Rose Cousins)

"33 year old female, presenting with nausea and vomiting as well as heavy epigastralgia. In and out of consciousness on the ride over here. Signs of dehydration, blood pressure 70 over 40, also tachycardic. Hit her head during a fall and cut her hand on shards of glass in the process..."

He was glad he had been level-headed enough to call an ambulance and not transported her in his own vehicle. With Rianne's condition worsening by the minute and him trying to prevent her from going into shock, it would have been a bumpy ride and not at all responsible. Just now with nurses and doctors gathering around the stretcher, getting her into a treatment room, he felt how relieved he actually was to not have to handle the situation alone anymore.

"Will, step aside! We got this!" Maggie's voice caught him off-guard and he took a step back.

Will refused to leave the room though until someone would actively throw him out. Like on autopilot he rattled off everything he knew about Rianne's current symptoms as well as her medical history. They could rule out appendicitis as he knew she'd had that when she was a child. Hopefully blood tests, ultrasound and CT would show that this was nothing severe. Although Will worried about the massive pain in her right upper abdomen he had found her in. A pain attack so heavy that she'd lost balance and crashed into the coffee table when getting up from the couch to open the door for him, knocking over all the debris on it and cutting herself. Thank God he still held on to that emergency key to Jay's apartment or she would have just laid there, semi-conscious with a heavy bleeding wound on her left palm.

Rianne hadn't been able to say a thing until now, her soft features contorted with pain, body ridden by colics and heaves. She'd been vomiting up all the water she'd been trying to keep herself hydrated with all day on their way over to Gaffney Medical Center. Will had had a hard time staying calm and collected at seeing her in so obvious agony.

It seemed that the pain meds they had put her on were finally showing some effects finally. When the team wheeled her past him on their way to more testing and treatment upstairs, Rianne grabbed his arm and looked at him out of big tired and glossy eyes, that were also full of fear:

"Jay?" she breathed, still protecting her stomach with her arm.

"He's coming, don't worry..."

"Tell him.... sorry?" Her limb and clammy grip on his arm slightly increased.

Her overall weak state gave Will the chills, but he tried to sound up-beat, when he told her:

"You can tell him that yourself! Don't go melodramatic on me now!"

Treating family members and friends was not a foreign issue to him. Nonetheless Will couldn't help but feel extremely anxious. This was the girl he knew his brother loved more than anything, who had changed Jay's world somehow and had stood by him through the last rough months, who had cracked his hard shell and let him into hers as well. Will wouldn't let anything happen to her. Jay would surely kill him otherwise.

"I'll stay with her until my brother gets here!" he announced to the staff and joined them in the elevator, holding on to the railing of Rianne's hospital bed.

"I'll stay with her until my brother gets here!" he announced to the staff and joined them in the elevator, holding on to the railing of Rianne's hospital bed

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