Great Evader

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Great Evader (Title by Intergalactic Lovers)

"And when I turned to face grief, I saw that it was just love in a heavy coat." (Shannon Barry)


"Halstead! Get over here!"

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"Halstead! Get over here!"

That was Platt's voice calling out, obviously very annoyed at something or someone.

Still that tone elicited a smile out of Hailey. How she had missed that sometimes almost comically grumpy expression of their desk sergeant. Jay beside her seemed a lot less happy about it:

"I'm a little busy actually!"

They had just come back to the station to regroup and come up with a new plan, after unsuccessfully chasing a lead on potential kidnappers of two little kids all morning. Actually they had been on this case for over two days now and they were getting desperate. Chances were that they wouldn't find those kids in time for them to still be alive. It was exactly the kind of case you needed when coming back from an almost two months 'exchange-program' in New York with the FBI, not!

Trudy threw her hands up in the air and scowled at Jay from afar: "I know, but there's a lady here, asking for you."

Hailey caught Jay rolling his eyes to the ceiling, but he followed Trudy's orders and closed in on the front desk to get more details. There was no strange 'lady' to be seen, but as usual it was kind of busy in the lobby of the 21st.

Like on autopilot Hailey followed suit. Because this was still what they did, right? Wasn't it?

It was her first week back and very confusing. Maybe it wasn't her job anymore to go where Jay went. Voight had been very evasive about permanently assigning her a partner again, and she had been riding with Ruzek most of the time this week. And Jay had yet to bring up the subject. Maybe he was just too polite to tell her that he didn't want to be partnered up with her anymore? She couldn't really tell with him at the moment. He had been extremely quiet overall.

Considering that Adam and Amanda also went to check in with Trudy for possible new leads now, it had to be fine for her to follow though.

It was weird how something that she had been looking forward to for weeks, could suddenly feel so foreign and strange. Only eight weeks of absence, a little over three since she had seen her unit back in New York, and still it felt longer. Things around here had definitely changed, or maybe she had. After having had to adjust to the work-ethics and style of the FBI, Chicago sure seemed a little more chaotic and Rojas had been the only one truly and openly excited about her being back in the unit. Everyone else? Not that she hadn't received a warm welcome from them all, but... Well, they all had a lot on their plate.

Kevin because things had been blowing up after he had made the decision to tell the truth about the deceased officer Doyle. That he hadn't been the hero CPD had wanted to make him out to be. Now Atwater had to deal with a 'Blue Wall' against him, seemingly adamant to make him suffer for his 'act of treason', actually threatening him with bodily harm.

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