Chapter 37

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Thailia POV
We arrived at Walmart, and got our buggy. We went to the snacks section. We stacked up. We got some of everything. We finally got to the register and everything totaled up to $146.67, I swiped my credit card, then started putting everything in my buggy. We got back to my car and loader it. We got back to her house to see a red Bentley in her driveway. We got the groceries out well I got most the groceries while she ran in the house with two bags. I carried the rest in and say them down and I saw a short light skinned lady in the kitchen.
"Hey, you must be Thailia. I'm Areyona's mom, Aaliyah." she said pulling me into a hug.
"Hey we just came from Walmart and your mean behind daughter left me to get all of this." I said pointing to the bags by the door.
"Really Arie, only thing yo ungrateful ass do is eat and sleep and shit!!! Get yo lazy ass up and help your friend with all this junk." her momma said while walking slowly to Areyona with very word.
"Alright old lady" Aeryona said catching an attitude.
"What did you just say" her mother said with raging eyes.
She dragged Areyona upstairs by her bun. All I heard was screaming,crying,and apologies. Areyona came back downstairs with a red face and tear stains on her face. And a busted lip.
"I'm sorry Thailia but you've to leave,maybe another time" she said sniffling.
"It's alright just learn how to speak to your elders." I said kissing her cheek, taking some of the food we bought and left.

Dang Areyona! Shut up sometimes!!!😭😂👌👍✔️✌️🍑

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