Part 33

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Namya POV
I woke up at 11 a-clock. I stretched and yawned then went to my bathroom. I hopped in my shower. I took a good 1 hour long shower bathing with Dove soap. I wrapped my towel around me and went to my sink. I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash. I walked out my bathroom. I walked into my closet and got my black strapless bra and my black underwear. I put it one and lotioned up. I put on my black long-sleeved v neck shirt, my black high-waisted jeans, and my all black converses. I put on my black north face jacket. I zipped it up. I put my vibrate burgundy hair in a messy bun with a headband around it. I put on some Carmex and grabbed my phone and charger. I grabbed my wallet too. I cut off all lights and walked in my garage. I choose my all black Audi with black rims. I drove to my main trap. I walked up to the door and did the secret knock. The bodyguard opened it and saluted. I walked straight to my office. I saw my co-worker/best friend Jai just sitting there smoking a blunt.
"Negro, is you smoking the product?" I said walking behind my desk.
"Baby, you ain't nobody boss but them negros in that front room, I ain't the employee so don't talk to me like I am." he said smartly looking at me through his ray bans.
"Whatever ugly!" I said being childish, knowing I wasn't going to win the conversation.
"I ain't ugly baby. I mean look at all this, you feel me" he said talking with his New Orleans accent. He's right. Jaiden Markus Wright is far from ugly. He is 6'3, a light skin and he looks just like August Alsina but he has dreads that are dyed honey blond at the tips. Phew! That man is sexy and in a relationship.
"Shut the fuck up, hoe!" I said laughing. He chuckled. On the door, was the secret knock signaling us it was time for the drug raid. I sighed, I strapped up,then walked in front up Jai to the black van. I could feel his eyes on my big booty. I mean who eyes wouldn't be on it. We got in the van, and I did a silent prayer and turned my phone off.We pulled up to the destination and I immediately went into my boss mode; Mean, and by Jai's demeanor he went into his boss mode too; Jock. We all hopped out the van silently. We started giving each other's ear pieces and guns.
"Alright, where is Team A?" I said. Team A got into their positions and checked the perimeter.
"Okay, where is Team B?" I said. They all gathered up and ran to the building where they will be snipering the bodyguards. This trap house and it's way bigger than mine, but not as popular as mine.
"Okay, everybody in me and Mean's group come on." said jai who was taking off his glasses. We silently went to our position. We have been monitoring and watching this trap for over 2 weeks.
"Go." I said into my ear piece as I watched all the bodyguards fell outsiden the building, we even had time to hide cameras and the fat ass security was sleep. Nobody wasn't even in the front along with security. We went up to the door and opened making sure to be quiet. We made it to the second floor and just started blasting niggas and females. I heard a child scream, I saw a little girl in the corner crying her eyes out. I bent down to her level.
"It's alright BabyGirl" I said shushing her. I gave her to one of my workers to put her in the van and sit with her. We were done with the second floor so we went to the final floor and busted in the room. We saw the 'boss' the trap getting head by a hoe. I quickly shot the hoe in between her eyes. Dead center.
"Who the fuck are you?" He said trying to sound tough but failed when his voice cracked. I chuckled evilly then looked him dead in his eyes, then head butted him with my gun. He was knocked out instantly.
"Y'all put him in the van with the dead bodies, and tie him up tight then take him to..... Trap#13." said Jai evilly. Everybody gasped trap#13 was worst than the rest. It was in the middle of the woods. I smirked then quickly stuffed all his product and money in all my bags, he is really dumb he didn't even have a safe. Or did he? I looked at a painting on the wall that was slightly ajar. I removed it and I saw a safe, bingo. I put my ear to it and started trying to open. I thought if he has his money out in the open and no cameras all around his trap then it would be easy. I tried the easiest password ever, 0000. It light up green and the whole wall came ajar. dang!!!! He must be rich or something. It had to be over 5 million dollars in here. I started putting in my bag, shoes, socks, bra,anywhere available. I cleaned it out. This man had bank, I'm glad I got him. I think he has been in here longer than me, though. He looked around 45 and he kinda look like Boris Kojo. We left out and burnt the place to the ground, we heard sirens so we bounced, looks like everybody's getting a raise.

5 million dollars and the little baby!!!! Awe!! They rich!! And jai tho. Comment!!!

Please Don't Judge Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें