Part 34

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Thailia POV
I wonder why my mom isn't answering the phone. I decided to head straight home, Areyona had detention so she going to call her mom to pick her up. I got home and went straight to my room. I took a shower and put on some black nike running shorts, a highlighter yellow sports bra, and my highlighter yellow and black nike Roshe runs. I put on a black windbreaker. I put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head. I was hungry so I grabbed the keys to the blue Aston Martin. I drove to Walmart. I got 2 Arizona teas, Doritos Jacked Ranch Dipped Hot Wings, and some Oreos. One my way to checkout, I realized I left my wallet in my car. I left my buggy by the aisle I was on and walked to back to my car. On the way there, I bumped into someone's hard chest. I sighed.
"My bad ma, Thailia?" The person said. I looked up and I meet eyes with Jayven.
"Hey" I said giving him a hug.
"Hey, why you haven't at school" he said pushing his lil buggy.
"I was sick"
"Oh well, I gots to go I ain't with Ebola" he said acting straight gay.
"Oh hush, but I got to go get my wallet from my car." I said trying to walk past him. He grabbed my arm.
"I'll pay for it" he said
"You sure"
"Yeah go get Cha buggy"
I got my buggy and went to checkout, he paid with his black card and he walked me to my car.
"Umm you want to go on a date on Saturday" he said nervously.
"I guess, text me later boo boo" I said kissing his cheek and speeding off.

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