Chaper 1 | The Beggining

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3rd person POV

Stephanie Payne was always a quiet girl. She was shy and very introverted. She enjoyed drawing a lot, and listening to music while doing so.

She was sent to foster care shortly after her mother gave birth to her, as her father also left when he found out she was pregnant and her mother felt as if she couldn't take care of her alone.

At three years of age, Stephanie was adopted by a woman in her mid twenties, who was happily married to a man who was around thirty at the time.

Stephanie lived a happy childhood in her new parents home in Ohio, and for all she knew, she was the only child. Her foster parents got all the stuff her biological mother left for her, but they decided to hide photos of her old family since they weren't gonna tell her she was adopted, at least not untill she was older.

June 3rd, 2018

3rd person POV

Stephanie had turned 22 around two months ago, and life seemed to be spiraling down.

Her mother passed away of cancer around a year ago, which caused her father to become abusive. He also started drinking a lot, and he'd rarely be home unless he was beating Stephanie or just yelling at her.

Stephanie decided she had enough, and since now she had enough money, she decided to move far away from her father. Of course, she didn't know where exactly to go.

One night while her father was gone, she went through his closet in hopes of finding some extra money, as she knew she could use some extra, and her father was more than wealthy enough to spare some money for her. Only problem is, he didn't want to so she'd just find it on her own. Not like he'd notice anything missing anyway.

As she was digging through the walk in closet in hopes to find a hidden stash of money or something, she saw a big dusty duffel bag she'd never noticed before.

She curiously opened the bag up, and what she saw next left her in tears.

She saw a photo of her as a baby being held by a woman she'd never seen before, she saw adoption papers, and a photo of a little ginger boy who looked to be around two years old.

Stephanie couldn't believe her eyes. She was actually adopted?

She decided to snoop a little more, and at the very bottom of the bag she saw a note.

Dear Stephanie

I'm not sure weather your new mother and father will tell you about this, but if they do I just wanted to tell you about your background. If you're just now finding out, you're probably very confused. I just want to say I never wanted to give you away, but it was what was best for your own good. You were born in London, and you were put into foster care at around two months old. Your father left before you were born, meaning I'd have to be a single mother to not only you but also your older half brother Ethan, which I wasn't stable for when it comes to money. If you ever want to visit us, or just talk to us (and it's totally understandable if you don't), be sure to give me a call. The numbers written on the back of the page.

Hope your family's treating you well,

Sincerely, your biological mother,

Ruth Payne.


Reading that, Stephanie felt tears rolling down your cheeks.

Now she knew exactly where she was gonna go.

She went online and booked the soonest flight to London which was in around six hours.

She packed, leaving her with an hour to spare.

She took a shower and dried her hair, putting on a hoodie and jeans along with some sketches to keep her comfortable.

Then, Stephanie drove to the airport and boarded her flight to London, left wondering what her biological family's reaction to seeing her is gonna be.


End of the first chapter


If you didn't know, my old book got deleted for some reason and I took a break, but like I'm back now!

Idk if I'll be posting often though, because I don't know how much inspired I'll be but I'll try my best.

Also for the dms I got about my back: I'm doing great! The recovery's going amazing. I have a check up in September, which I believe should be the last one.

My back does hurt quite a bit from time to time, but it's nowhere near what it used to be like in hospital.

Anyway, I know this chapter was pretty short but honestly I kinda hurried with it bcs I'm urging to just post something already since it's been too long and I did miss this quite a bit.

Hope you enjoyed!

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