Chapter 12-Showing Off

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Her snow bird began to glow and started to rise up. It flew around the space leaving the maker and her friend in complete shock. Neither one could talk. There was hardly anything to say. It was all so amazing!

"W-w-w-what!" said Jack with his mouth hanging open in awe. Rapunzel just stood there watching her bird. She looked down at her hands. There weren't glowing anymore and looked pretty normal. 

"L-l-lets try s-something else." she said. Her voice was shaky. She was still in surprise.

She aimed at the snow and thought in her head, 'snowball.'   A few lines of glimmer floated from her hands. The magic wrapped the snow into a ball and it floated over to Rapunzel's hand.

"WOW!" she said, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!" she looked at Jack. He was just standing and staring at the snowball.



Jack shook his head to get out of his trance. "That was amazing! Does this mean you found your ability?"

"I guess so. What else could it mean?"

"But, then what are you the guardian of?"

Rapunzel looked up and all the joy ran out of her face.

"I....I don't know."

"Hey Punzie, don't worry! You'll find it! You just need to hang out with the kids more. Find out what makes them happy. It will make you feel happy too!"

Rapunzel gave Jack a weak smile, "Okay."


During the whole ordeal, Jack and Rapunzel didn't know that they were being watched. 

"Well well." said a dark and shadowy voice, "Look who found her special ability. Well that will come in handy later on. Hahahahaha!"


Rapunzel and Jack flew back to the North Pole. They both had huge grins when they arrived.

"North! Hey North!" Jack called.

"Hello you two! Have fun?" North shouted from above them. They looked up and saw North leaning over one of the banisters on the second floor. 

"North! You'll never believe it! I....well why don't I show you!", Rapunzel said, obviously excited. She looked around the room and saw a toy train that had just been made. She thought, 'make the train ride' and the little toy got showered with sparks and suddenly began to ride across the room.

"Great Jumping Snow Mans!" North said with a great shout. He stared at the speeding train. 

"Well Congratulations Rapunzel!" he said at last, "You have found your special ability! Now all you need to do is find out why you have it!" 

"Will it be hard to do?" Rapunzel asked.

"No, not really! You just need to spend time with the children."

"....and find out what makes them happy." Rapunzel said remembering what Jack had said.

"Exactly! Well, I have to keep making toys. They don't get made by themselves you know!" North said hurrying off.

Rapunzel started running up the stairs.

"Hey Punzie! Where are you going? Didn't you hear North? We need to go have fun with the kids!" Jack said.

"I know I know!" she replied, "I just need to do something first. I'll be right back!"

Rapunzel ran up to her room and opened one of the drawers. Underneath her folded nightgown was a pink book. She took it out opened it up to a blank page.

Dear Diary, 

** I'll save the diary entry for the next chapter. I am glad you guys like this story and are encouraging me to write more. There is never too much feedback so make sure to comment and tell me what you think! I will make sure to write again soon!**


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