Chapter 4- The Decision

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The next day Jack returned to the orphanage along with Sandy and two yetis from North's workshop. The yetis were prepared with a brown sack (since that was the usual way that the guardians welcomed people) and entered the building from a glowing portal.

Rapunzel who was just now making the beds by herself, hid until she was sure that the intruders were friendly. When she saw Jack, she immediately relaxed. At least he was someone she recognized. 

The group turned around and caught sight of her. They walked toward Rapunzel with the bag and a stroke of fear ran down her spine.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Jack said in a cool, collected voice. Then Rapunzel saw dark.

---Rapunzel's POV---

I was stuffed into a big, brown bag and a minute later I hit the ground. I peeked out to see two purple eyes staring at me. "HELLOOOOO!!!" they shouted. I screamed and closed the bag again. I heard voices outside.

"Now look what you did! You scared her." It was a man's voice in an Australian accent.

"I'm sorry! I was just so excited." said a voice that obviously belonged to a girl and sounded like the voice belonging to the eyes.

"Jack, she has seen you before.Try to convince her to come out." This was said by a man with a deep Russian voice. Then I heard quiet.

"Rapunzel?" I knew that that was the voice belonging to Jack. "Come on out Punzie?" he said.

I opened the bag and peeked out again. I was in a large room with many open floors. There were five figures standing in front of me. One, of course, was Jack. Standing next to him was a short golden boy who I had seen with Jack when they kidnapped me. Another was a jolly man who brought a slight smile to my face just by looking at him, standing or should I say flying next to him was a colorful girl. She looked like a fairy/hummingbird. And finally standing next to her was a stern looking rabbit, but he wasn't the normal sized bunny you would think. He was the size of a tall man.

They were all staring at me while I crawled out of the bag and stood up.

"Ooooooo!!" said the fairy girl, "She's so pretty!"

I blushed and must have looked scared or confused because Jack came over and said, "I'll introduce you." I was relieved! I wanted to know where I was and why and who these people were.

"This is the Sandman; Santa Claus, but you can call him North; the Tooth Fairy; and last but not....well actually probably least, the Easter Kangaroo!"

"Why do you always DO THAT!" shouted the bunny, "I am the Easter BUNNY sheila. Don't listen to the rat covered in frost."

"Welcome Rapunzel to the North Pole!" Santa Claus or "North" said heartily.


Rapunzel gasped, "I'm at the WHAT!" she screamed.

"The North Pole!" said Tooth.

Then there was a glow coming from the roof. Everyone looked up and saw the moon again casting a glow down on the big "G"

"Looks like Manny has a message." Bunny said.

Instead of showing pictures on the floor though, the moon spoke, "Rapunzel," It said, "You have been called for a very important task. You are wanted to help the guardians defeat The King of Nightmares."

"Pitch." Jack said with a scowl.

The moon continued, "Stay with these protectors and grow strong. Find out who you are."

Then the voice faded. Rapunzel's eyes were wide.

"Well, Man in Moon told you whole purpose," North said.

"So sheila? What do you say?" Bunny asked.

"W-well is it okay if you give me a day to think about all of this? It's REALLY overwhelming!" Rapunzel replied.

"Of course! You can even stay in one of my extra rooms!" said North. Everyone seemed okay with the way things worked out, but Rapunzel was more worried than excited. It was all happening so fast.

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