Chapter 15-Searching for the Family

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-Jack's POV-

I flew off after Rapunzel. She is so full of fire. I had to smile at her excitement. We arrived at Corona in a matter of minutes.

"Okay, now we have to find a library!" Rapunzel said over her shoulder.

I looked around. This had to be the happiest town I had ever seen. Everyone was so nice to each other and music was playing.

"FOUND IT!" Rapunzel shouted.

I followed her to a building. There were so many books. How were we going to find anything about Rapunzel's parents? Rapunzel asked the librarian where she could find a book on all the people in Corona. The librarian walked right through her. Rapunzel looked down.

I walked over to her and lifted her chin to look at me.

"'s alright. You have the kids believing in you, and that's enough."

She gave me a doubtful smile.

"Let's start looking for that book!"


It took hours searching for a census. Then, late into the night, they found it. A big red book with a golden spine. They flipped through the large book and, after looking over thousands of people, found a listing. It took a long time, but they found it.

June 21, 1994-Princess Rapunzel of Corona

Born to the King and Queen of Corona


They both stood in shock.


Rapunzel exploded into a burst of magic and twirled around. Jack watched her twirl. His eyes showed of his love for her. He smiled, but thought of something that made him lose his handsome grin.

"Then, who is ruling this kingdom if your parents have died and you are now a guardian?"

Rapunzel stopped spinning and met his gaze.

"I don't know?"

By then it was late morning and two women had just come into the library. Jack and Rapunzel listened to their conversation.

"Did you see the Queen this morning Abagail?"

"Yes I did Olivia! It was such a treat! She hardly ever comes to see us. She is very busy ruling in Arendelle with her sister."

"Oh, every time I think about those two, I grow sad. I can't even imagine running two kingdoms at once."

"Corona was passed down to the King and Queen of Arendelle when the King's sister, The Queen of Corona and her husband, died. But when the King and Queen of Arendelle died as well, the kingdom was left to Queen Elsa and Princess Anna. Is it true that they only met their cousin once?"

"Yes that's right, bless their hearts."

Jack noticed Rapunzel looking down. He became depressed watching her sadness grow.

"What's wrong Punzie?"

"......I did only meet my cousins once. The day before we sailed. I remember that now. We had such fun that day. It must be so hard on them. "

A tear slid down her cheek. She angrily wiped it away and got a determined look in her eye.

Jack's face lit up. He liked that look.

"What does that look mean Punz? What are you thinking about?"

She looked at him with her emerald eyes.

"Let's go to Arendelle!"

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