Chapter 18- The Golden Castle

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-Rapunzel's POV-

I was so excited!

"Okay here's the plan! We go to Norway and find a big mountain. A little far away from everyone so that no one will find me. Then I make a CASTLE! YES! My very own castle, just like a princess!"

My mind was blurred with my hopes and expectations.

-Jack's POV-

"Okay here's the plan! We go to Norway and find a big mountain. A little far away from everyone so that no one will find me. Then I make a CASTLE! YES! My very own castle, just like a princess!"


She had a plan too?

I watched her excitement grow. She looked like she would burst at any moment.

"A castle huh?" I said thinking over the idea, "Yeah...I guess that could work."

"Of course it will work! It will look so beautiful!" was the reply as Rapunzel twirled and put her hands to her heart.

I just watched with a smile. I just couldn't pin-point the feeling I had. Either that, or I knew the feeling....I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Rapunzel stopped twirling and looked at me with a grateful expression. Our eyes locked. I could feel myself start to blush as I forced myself to rip away from her deep green eyes.

"W-well....w-we should get started!" I said stammering. I probably sounded like an idiot.

Rapunzel grinned, "Okay!"

We both flew out the window towards Norway. We scanned the mountain range looking for the perfect place to build Rapunzel's home. We went past Anna and Elsa's castle, past ships, past the village.


I straightened, looking around for Rapunzel.

"What! What is it?"

"It's perfect, that's what it is!" came the reply.

"Where are you?" I shouted.

"Over the next hill! Come quick!"

I flew over the next little bend and saw Rapunzel staring at something in the distance. It looked to me like a huge, icy, blue, castle. The castle was standing alone on a mountain. I looked back. You couldn't see Arendelle from here.

"How do you know someone doesn't live in it?" I asked.

"Well....I don't. That's why we are gonna go find out."

We both flew towards the castle. It seemed kind of menacing. I mean, why would there be a castle in the middle of nowhere.

We landed next to a long blue staircase. I finally got it.......


The whole castle was made out of ice. The staircase was even made out of ice. I thought of Elsa, whose dress was also made out of ice.

"Hey Rapunzel?"


"I think this might belong to your cousin."

"What makes you say that?" she said about to climb up the staircase.


I didn't get to finish my statement because Rapunzel yelped.

"AHH! Wow! You're right! It's made of ice!"

Rapunzel had touched the staircase to find that it was probably freezing cold.

I saw her swirl her hand and a pair of purple flats appeared on her feet.

"That's better!" she said with a smile and continued up the staircase.

I followed, not at all effected by the staircase. I was used to cold things. I mean, I was Jack Frost, the cold never bothered me anyway.

We got to the top of the staircase and stood in front of the huge, blue, icy, castle.

"Well I guess we can just walk in them" I said as I opened the huge front door.

"Wait Jack! Shouldn't we knock first?"

"Why? No one can see us anyway."

Rapunzel looked down, "Oh...right. I think that's my least favorite part about being a guardian."

"Yeah, I've been there." I said remembering the past.

We walked into the huge castle and looked around.

"So should we explore the rest?" I said.

"Well...maybe not. I think I've seen enough and I LOVE it!"

Then without another word, she shot a ton of magic above her. The magic hit the top of the castle and started lowering down the sides, turning the whole castle to a golden color as it went. I just stood in awe. The cold feeling that was in the castle of ice, melted away. The frozen fountain that was in the center, turned to real water and started to flow. Lanterns appeared on the walls to make the castle glow a bit.

"How do you like it?" Rapunzel said turning to me.

All I could say was, "Wow!"

"Cool huh?" She said with a smile.

I found my words again, "Why isn't it cold anymore?"

"Because it's not ice anymore."

"Then what is it?"


"Glass?" I said.

"Glass." she replied with certainty.

I walked over and felt the side of the wall. Yup, it was glass.

"Cool!" I said. It really was cool. Then I had the thought.

"You know," I began to say, thinking,"If your cousin really did build this place and she comes back to visit or something, she won't find it."

"Oh! Really?" she said truly surprised.

"Yeah. Remember what North said?"

I could tell she was thinking about it. Then she got a determined look on her face, "Who cares. Maybe, I can use that knowledge to make her believe."

I just smiled. Gosh, she was full of fire. By then, night was beginning to creep up on us.

After we said goodnight, I flew out of the golden castle. I looked back and smiled, knowing that Rapunzel was safe inside it's big glass doors and I flew to my frozen lake.

**Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment. I love to hear your thoughts! See you next time

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