Chapter 9-The First Capture

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--Jack's POV--

"Oh, I just want to have some fun with our pretty little blossom." said Pitch. And before I could say or do anything else, I felt Rapunzel's arms jerk away from my shoulders followed by screaming.



Rapunzel had disappeared into the shadows and all was quiet.


I was freaking out! I zoomed across the room looking for Rapunzel. I had to come to the horrible conclusion that Pitch had taken her. I almost broke down, but being the man that I am, I sucked it up and went to go tell North what had happened.


--Pitch's POV--

I grabbed the girl and gagged her with some shadows so she would't make a bunch of racket. I didn't want Jack following. We arrived to my, lair sweet lair, and I chained Rapunzel to the wall. She was struggling and thrashing about. 

"Why so jittery Rapunzel?"

Loud muffled sounds followed.

"Don't you like it here? You better get used to it! You will be spending a lot of time here."

Screaming muffles.

"Okay then, Goodbye deary!" I said in my usual creepy way as I exited the room. I set two shadow guards to watch her and went to my potion room. I had planned a special concoction for Rapunzel. The cauldron was bubbling and I was ready to begin adding the ingredients:

*A dash of pure hatred - to hate the guardians

*A black butterfly - to give her evil beauty

*Blood red snake skin - to make her devious

*Half of a wolf's heart - for mystery, secrecy, and a love for everything bad!

I poured the red liquid into a champagne glass and entered the room where I was keeping Rapunzel.

"Hold her as still as you can." I told my guards. It was a huge struggle, but they finally hooked her up to the wall and I slowly advanced toward her.


Jack flew to North's workshop to tell him what happened. Jack found all the guardians talking and laughing together. Before he was sighted by the others he heard:

"...and Rapunzel!" from Tooth.

He didn't let that bug him though and threw himself into a state of panic over what had just happened.


"What! What happened." said Tooth.

"Who cares what happened! We need to get her back." said Bunny. Everyone piled into North's sleigh. North whispered into a snow globe and off they went! They snuck into Pitch's lair. Everyone was alert and looking around suspiciously.

"Okay all we need to do is get her and get out." Jack said

"But there are probably shadow guards everywhere. I bet we are being watched this minute!" Tooth said in a worried tone. 

"Okay then, Jack you go get her and be VERY sneaky!" North said in a deep whisper.

"Got it." Jack whispered back and flew along the passages.

He arrived in the chamber where Pitch kept Rapunzel, just in time to see Pitch walking towards Rapunzel with a glass of red liquid. But one thing Jack noticed was that Rapunzel's hands had a weird yellow glow surrounding them.

Jack didn't let that go to his head. He rushed towards Rapunzel, froze the locks, breaking them, and took off before Pitch had a chance to do anything about it.

Jack looked behind him to see Pitch yelling and swearing after him. He saw Pitch fire shadows at them, but Jack brilliantly dodged everything. When he returned to North's sleigh, he saw that they were being attacked by nightmares. He laid Rapunzel way down inside the sleigh so that she wouldn't get hurt and whistled to the others. She met his eyes with a look of gratitude.

Everyone ran to the sleigh, kicked the few nightmares that were on it, and flew through the portal that North had opened to the safety of the North Pole.

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