Chapter 24 - Happy Ending

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"Hey Jack!" called Pitch as he halted his nightmares. Jack, weary and panting turned to look at Pitch.

"You know," he said matter-of-factly while circling Rapunzel and smiling, "your little golden flower IS very beautiful."

"Don't Touch Her!" Jack said in a stern, strong voice. His eyes were wide and he was exhausted. 

Pitch just smiled at him. He lifted Rapunzel's chin to look at him.

"PITCH!" Jack shouted in a warning.

Pitch crept closer to Rapunzel raising her face to meet his. 

"No.....please," Jack begged. Pitch leaned closer and finally kissed Rapunzel. Jack's eyes went wide and he lost all strength to fight. He staggered towards Rapunzel.

Rapunzel, who was in a daze, snapped out of it and saw Jack coming towards her.

"Stay Away!" she said, raising her hands. They started to glow.

"Rapunzel," Jack said desperately,"It's me Jack, your friend. I know the old Rapunzel is in there somewhere."

"Get away from her Jack!" said Pitch, "She isn't yours anymore."

Jack cringed at those words. Tears appeared in his eyes, she was never mine to start with, he said to himself, but I'm not giving up on her so easily. He kept going, talking to Rapunzel as he went,

"Don't be afraid Rapunzel, you can do it," he said gently," Try to search for the guardian in you."

"NO!" she screamed,"I don't want to be a guardian! I want to be evil!" Her hands were glowing more.

"No Rapunzel. You want to be a guardian. You told us so yourself. You moved here to be close to your family. They are here now too! They believe in you Rapunzel! You wanted them to and now they do!"

Rapunzel glanced over at Elsa and Anna with clenched teeth. They smiled at her. Light appeared in her eyes for a second before she shook it away, "No! You're wrong!" she said with uncertainty. With that she shot a burst of magic at him. He dodged quickly. He began running up to her with all the strength he had left, A confession, he thought to himself, All I need to do is tell her the truth

"NO!" Pitch screamed. He raced at the same time as Jack. Rapunzel was frozen in her thoughts and didn't realize what was going on. Before Pitch could reach him, Sandy threw some magic sand that created a huge jar. It swallowed Pitch. He pounded on it to get out. He tried throwing nightmares, but they would only appear inside the jar.

"Ah Sandy!" said North with a smile, "So you finally mastered your protection sand!"

Sandy nodded with a proud grin.


Jack ran up to Rapunzel and held her hands.

"Let Go!" she said, trying to break free. He hands started to glow again. It burned Jack, but he wouldn't let go.

"Rapunzel, this is for your own good....and mine."

He took a deep breath and stared into her eyes noting the glimmer of red still in them. She looked terrified. 

"Rapunzel, I love you!" he said quickly. A few seconds later, light exploded from her hands, making Jack let go and step back. 

Everyone looked away from the blinding light that engulfed Rapunzel. Magic flew out to all sides. It kept shining for a few second while the light cleaned Rapunzel from all the darkness that Pitch put in her. The light dimmed, leaving a glowing Rapunzel in its place. She looked at her golden dress, her hair which had bits of gold woven in, and her hands which had stopped glowing. She looked up with clear, emerald eyes and smiled at everyone, "Um...Hi?" Silence followed, then Anna, who had recovered from exhaustion, screamed and rushed forward,

"Punzie!" she said as she wrapped Rapunzel in a hug. Elsa followed and did the same. 

"Anna! Elsa! You can see me?!"

"Of Course! Jack told us about you!" Anna answered.

Rapunzel let go of Anna and Elsa. She looked at Jack and gave him a huge smile. Rapunzel ran up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and whispered in his ear, "I love you too Jack."

With that, Jack hugged her back and twirled her around as Rapunzel laughed. Everyone sighed and smiled and Anna cheered. The couple pulled away and Jack recited the meaning of love,

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

Rapunzel had tears in her eyes when he was done.

"I read that when we were searching through the library in Corona. I also memorized it." she said. She closed her eyes, leaned forward, and kissed Jack. 

Jack was taken by surprise at first, but accepted it and smiled. The two of them started to glow. Rapunzel opened her eyes and pulled back.

"That's it!" she said.

"What?" asked Jack.

"That's my center."

"Kissing?" asked Anna.

Rapunzel laughed, "No of course not! It's magic. I'm the guardian of magic."

Tooth gasped.

"What?"asked Rapunzel. All the guardians and even Pitch stared at her with wide eyes.

"What is it?" Rapunzel said again.

North walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders. 

"As guardians," he started, "We protect children....but we have also been told to wait for our protector. The Guardian of Magic. This guardian protects not only the children, but the magic WE wield as well."

"Oh," said Rapunzel, "Then was I wrong in guessing?"

By now the moon was just beginning to rise. North looked up at it. After a few seconds, he smiled.

"No," he told Rapunzel, "You are the Guardian of Magic."

Everyone smiled.

"I say," said Bunny, "That we-"

"Go back to the North Pole to CELEBRATE!" Tooth cut in.

Bunny frowned.

" excited." said Tooth with an innocent look.

"Wait," said Jack, "What about Pitch?"

Sandy made a clock above his head and shrugged.

"He said he doesn't know how long the sand will last." explained North, "We'll just put him in a highly guarded cell at the workshop until we know what to do with him. I have one for emergencies."

Everyone, including Elsa; Anna; and Kristoff, headed back to the North Pole with a smile on their face and love in their hearts.

                                                                                             The End

--I hope you all like the story! I will have an epilogue so that you can see what happened in the future. It won't be very long and will just tell you what happened to each character. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked or disliked this chapter! See you another time!--


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