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A few years later, everything was going well for Jack Frost, Rapunzel, and their friends and family:

Rapunzel: Rapunzel ended up with a business of appearing to little kids who needed comfort and love. She was open to loving all kids around the world and she soon gained many believers. She made her own smaller copy of the Globe of Belief and every time a child needed comfort, Rapunzel raced to help them. She made her own helpers out of magic because most of the time there was more than one child in need of help. When this happened, she would send her helpers or comfort that child until she got there. She took breaks on the weekends, because even a guardian needed rest. Whenever another guardian was having problems with their magic, she showed up and always knew exactly what to do.

Jack: Jack lived out eternity spreading joy, fun, and snow throughout the world. Jack and Rapunzel never stopped loving one another and had many fun times together forever. Though they never got married (for it was unheard of for guardians to wed), they were faithful and true to each other.

North, Bunny, Sandy, and Tooth: All the guardians kept giving their all for the kids and always went to Rapunzel first when they needed help.

Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff: Elsa and Anna always had time for Rapunzel and they would go on many family outings together. Anna and Kristoff eventually got married and had two children whom they named Rapunzel and Jack in honor of their friends. Elsa became a widely known queen and was very just and loyal to her people. Unfortunately, after many years of family, Rapunzel was forced to say goodbye to her cousins forever when they passed away. After they died, Rapunzel had a special wing of her castle created to always remember her family.

Pitch Black: Pitch spent a year in the prison before he finally got loose and escaped. The guardians battled three more times before they were able to defeat him for good.

Through the good and the bad, joyous times and troubled events. The guardians were always full of love for everyone and on a plaque in Rapunzel's castle reads:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

The End

--Hope you guys loved this story! If you really liked it, tell your friends. Please comment and star if you liked this chapter or any other specific chapter. This is not the only book I will write and I have many more ideas for the future. Thank you for everything and for all the support! Bye for now!--


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