Chapter 7-Something Different

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Rapunzel stood dazed for a moment. Would Pitch really help her? She had heard many bad things about him from the rest of the guardians. She thought deeply on the subject and didn't move from the middle of the room until she had it settled. She thought and thought and thought.

No, she would not ask Pitch for help no matter how desperate she got. Rapunzel knew that she would be useful someday. She didn't need nor want any help from Pitch.

She looked at the clock on one side of the room. It was about to ring 2:00 AM and she didn't know how early North got up to do the work. She ran back to her room to get at least three more hours of sleep.


The next morning Rapunzel woke up feeling tired. She had missed a few minutes of sleep and that took a big toll out on her. She walked downstairs and saw North working heavily on toys. She sneaked out to the door and walked outside.

It was FREEZING! She had forgotten that they were at the North Pole. She ran back inside and that seemed to give her energy.

"Well, hello Rapunzel!" North said cheerfully, "Why were you outside? You know it's freezing cold?"

"Y-y-y-yes" said Rapunzel still chattering.

North let out a hearty laugh, "Why don't you go warm yourself by fire. I will be right there to discuss our next move."

Rapunzel ran to the fire and sat down right next to it. It felt great! She was warming up already. North came a few minutes later and sat in a comfy chair. He motioned for Rapunzel to do the same. As she sat down, North talked,

"So, today or should I say tonight Rapunzel, you are going to watch the Sandman! He delivers dreams to all the kids."

"Really! Oh that should be fun!"

"Yes! Be sure to concentrate, though, on trying to find your center."

"Oh I will! Don't worry about that. I have been feeling like a wallflower ever since I got here!"

"You shouldn't feel like that! You are going to be very important later on!"

"Well, I'll take your word for it."


That night Rapunzel wrapped up in a jacket and boots that North had given her and went outside to meet Sandy.

"H-h-hi Sandy!" Rapunzel said. She was still cold even with the coat.

Sandy waved and then a question mark appeared over his head and he pointed out into the snow wind.

"Yes, I'm ready to go! Lets get out of the cold!"

Sandy seemed eager as well. He made a yellow cloud out of his golden sand. Rapunzel marveled at the phenomenon. How did he do it? It was so magical! She stepped onto the cloud and they were off! They flew to the first stop....The United States.

They soared around Michigan to start. Rapunzel watched Sandy spread many different kinds of dreams over all the houses. The dreams went into each of the windows. Rapunzel played with a line of ducklings that were forming on Sandy's cloud. She was loving this! It was so fun to see how dreams were made! She decided to give it a shot. She cupped her hands full of sand and thought of flowers. 

When Rapunzel opened her eyes, to her great disappointment, no flowers had appeared. 

"I guess there's nothing special here." she said in a depressed tone.

Lying down on the cloud, she played with a sandy, golden butterfly. She noticed something different about the sand. Parts of the sand shined more and looked more yellow than golden. Rapunzel wondered what it could be. She fooled around with another dream of a racecar and the same thing happened. Before she could investigate even more, Sandy turned to her and looked at her in a curious way.

"What is it Sandy?" Rapunzel asked.

Sandy made the mark of a bed and pretended to be sleeping.

"Oh it's okay Sandy! You carry on. I'm not tired. What time is it anyway?"

Sandy made a clock above his head that indicated that it was 1:00 in the morning. Rapunzel let out a yawn. Sandy smiled as he shook his head and they made their way back to the North Pole. 

Once they got there, Sandy took Rapunzel to her room and laid her in bed. She was already asleep by the time they got home. She dreamed about finding her power and about how helpful and useful she would be.

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