Chapter 14- Meeting the Kids

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Jack and Rapunzel traveled to Burgess in Pennsylvania.

"So...Where are we going? I hope it's a place with a library." Rapunzel asked. She was looking around, but didn't recognize anything she saw.

"Okay, so we are going to meet this kid I know named Jamie Bennett. He could probably help us." Jack explained.

"But, he can't see me!"

"Oh I'll take care of that!" Jack said with a cute little grin that made Rapunzel smile. They stopped at a house with a little boy around the age of 10 playing in the snow with some friends.

"Hey Jamie!" Jack yelled.

"Hey guys! Jack's back!"

All the kids gathered around Jack as soon as he landed.

"Hey guys! How's everyone?"

"Great! Schools out for a few weeks." Jamie said.

" Awesome! Hey, I need your guys help with something."

"What is it Jack?"

"Well, we have a new guardian and..."


"Yeah, and she's here with me..."

"Oh cool! It's another girl huh? What does she look like?" said a girl who was standing next to Jamie.

"She has long blonde hair, green eyes, and always has a smile."

Rapunzel blushed.

"Anyway, I need your help. Since she is new......hey..HEY GUYS!" Jack said as he realized that the kids were not paying attention to him, but to something behind him.

"What are you guys looking at?"

Jamie looked at Jack in awe and said, "Rapunzel. Once you told us what she looked like, she appeared."

They must have believed once I told them what she looked like, Jack thought, That's going to work to our advantage.

The kids ran to Rapunzel and started to ask her many, MANY questions.

"Why is your hair so long?"

"What's it like to be the new guardian?"

"Where did you come from?"

"Is the Tooth Fairy very happy?"

"Are you Jack's girlfriend?"

Rapunzel looked to Jack for help.

"Okay, okay guys. Break it up!" Jack said, "You are gonna scare her just like the other guardians. We need to go to the library so, Rapunzel will answer all your questions...."

"Right Now!" Rapunzel said, cutting Jack off, "I will answer your questions now. I need to spend more time with you anyway. We'll get to the library later."

Rapunzel made herself comfortable on the grass and motioned for the children to do the same.

"Now who wants to go first?"

Many of the children raised their hands. Jack also made himself comfortable, lying down on the grass. He stared up at the sky, waiting for the questions to start. He hadn't heard much about Rapunzel's past and was curious to what she would say. He listened as the first question was asked.

"Why is your hair so long?" one of the boys asked.

Rapunzel thought for a moment. That was one question she had never asked herself. She had never really thought about her hair and just let it grow.

"I had never really thought about my hair and I just let it grow out. Besides, I like it this way. It seems very...magical!"

"What's it like being the new guardian?" Jamie asked.

"It's truly very interesting. I got turned invisible, then I found out my power, then..."

"OOOOOOOO" all the children said, "What's your power."

Rapunzel smiled warmly. She would have done the exact same thing. She couldn't wait to show the children her power. She thought for a moment. What would she make? She liked animals, and was unusually drawn to chameleons, so that's what she decided to show.

She thought about a little green chameleon and held out her gentle hands in front of her.

All of the sudden, a little green chameleon popped out of a burst of magic. He smiled at the children and walked around on Rapunzel's hands.

The children were entranced with the chameleon.

Rapunzel made the Chameleon disappear. 

"You make chameleons?"

Rapunzel giggled, "No, no. I found out that if I think of ANYTHING, it comes into being. Of course, I'm sure that I'll run into problem. It's kinda like genies from the storybooks. I bet I can't make anyone die or fall in love or raise people back from the dead....though that's a bit gruesome."

"Where did you come from?" a little blonde haired boy shouted out.

Jack listened hard at this part. He didn't want to miss a word. He knew that she lived in the big black building, but he didn't know ANYTHING about it.

" parents and I were sailing for America from the somewhere in Europe, I can't exactly remember where. My parents died from a sickness that broke out on board. I was very sick when the ship arrived in New England. Some people took me to the hospital where I gradually got better. They found out my parents had died and The Headmistress took me to the orphanage with three others. I had lost most of my memory. The only reason I knew this information was because The Headmistress told me."

"How old were you?" asked one of the children.

"I was five years old."

Jack was listening with open ears. He knew what she was talking about. He had heard about the boat trip years ago when he was making it snow in Maryland. He had flown to the unloading of there boat where he saw a little girl with long blonde hair getting carried out. He had noticed a paper telling where the boat had come from. Corona. The boat had come from Corona.

" Um Rapunzel?" he said.

"Yeah Jack?"

"About your story. I was in the neighborhood when your ship unloaded and I know out where the boat came from."

"Wait.....does that mean you know where I came from?"

"Well, I think so. The ship came from a kingdom called Corona."

"Why did you want to get to a library anyway, Rapunzel?" Jamie asked.

"I wanted to find out information about my parents or relatives. I am sure I could find something."

"Well, I don't think you would find anything in OUR library," said Jaime, "Shouldn't you try the library in Corona?"

"Yeah...that's probably a better idea." said Rapunzel thoughtfully.

She had the sudden urge to find out about her family.

"C'mon Jack! Let's go! Bye everyone. It was very nice meeting you all!" Rapunzel called. With a sweep of her hand, a magic platform rose up from underneath her.

Jack thanked everyone and flew after her, off to Corona.

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