Chapter 23-The Fight

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Jack raced to the North Pole to call all the guardians. Then remembered that they were captured. He sadly returned to Arendelle empty-handed.  Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff were waiting by Kristoff's sleigh for Jack to return. An icy storm was blowing. 

"Okay Jack," Elsa said, "We are all ready to head to the cas- Where are the guardians?"

"They are captured. How did I forget that? It will just be us I guess. Do you all have a way to defend yourselves?"

"I have my ice powers," said Elsa

"I have my ice pick," said Kristoff

"All I have is a lute," said Anna

"That's alright," Jack replied, "as long as the others have something. They can protect you. Elsa?"

"Yes?" she replied.

"You aren't the one causing this storm right? It's getting harder to see and hear you guys," Jack shouted.

"No! It's not me! Maybe it's Rapunzel and Pitch!" she shouted back.

"Jack," shouted Kristoff, "We have to move fast! None of us can take this much cold except you and Elsa."

"I know," Jack replied," Put Elsa and Anna in the sleigh with you!"

Once everyone was set, they took off towards Rapunzel's castle. 


Rapunzel looked out the huge hole in the window towards the icy mountains to Arendelle. 

"He will be coming back," she said.

"I know, I know. It's part of the plan. He'll come and bring back up too," Pitch replied with a frown. He relaxed and smiled, "but we will be prepared. Won't we Onyx dear?"

His horse gave a neigh and an army of nightmares rose up behind them.


The group of heroes traveled as fast as they could over the frozen fjords. Jack had the least amount of trouble soaring through the rough storm.


He looked behind him and saw nothing. A flash of light blue became clear. Elsa was following him, out of breath.

"You have to wait! We can't all travel as fast as you in this weather." she yelled.

Jack thought to himself, I can't defeat Pitch without help. Rapunzel might not be safe if I go alone.

"All right!" he said after silence. They both waited in the snow for the others. Jack paced back and forth, every now and then looking over his shoulder. After 15 minutes, they saw shadowy figures appearing out of the snow.

"We're here! We're here," Anna called out. 

They all trecked on and soon came to the long staircase that crossed over a small canyon to the castle. A swarm of nightmares flew around the tower. Through the shattered window, they could see Pitch and Rapunzel watching them arrive. 

Out of the stormy gray, everyone heard Pitch's nasty voice saying, "Welcome travelers to the lair of Pitch Black and...Rapunzel!"

At the mention of her name, Jack looked up to the castle with a worried expression.

"I hear you all want you precious flower back...right Jack?"

Jack saw Rapunzel look up at Pitch and move closer to him for protection. He turned angry and would have flown up to the window if not for Elsa's light hand on his shoulder.

"Wait Jack," she said with care, "Not yet."

Pitch raised his hands and cast them towards the group. At a quick motion, nightmares from all angles flew at them. Everyone raised their weapons ready to defend themselves.

And they did.

The fight went on. When someone else needed help...they got help. Everyone kept Rapunzel in mind. They were doing it for her. She was worth it.

Pitch saw that he was losing no matter what he threw at them. He grabbed Rapunzel's arm and tugged her with him.

"Were are we going?" she asked. 

"To the battlefield! Bring the guardians!" he answered as they went down the stairs and out the doors of the castle, "We need to take out the supposed 'leader' of their group."

"How?" she asked with anticipation. 

"You'll see." he said with an evil smile.

The nightmares died down, then were gone. The storm calmed as well. Everyone looked at each other with tired smiles.

"Did we do it?" Anna asked, out of breath.

"I don't know," answered Kristoff. Then a sharp, slow clapping rang out from the dark cloud. The black fog lifted and revealed Pitch and Rapunzel smiling. The guardians were in chains behind them. Elsa crept far to the left in hopes of reaching them. She hid behind large boulders while Pitch talked. She succeeded in her stealth and signaled for them to keep quiet as she froze their locks off.

"Well done! All of you! Good job!" he said sarcastically. The others looked at each other with suspicion. Pitch continued, "But you're not done yet!" and he unleashed more nightmares. Powerful ones. 

The others, who were out of breath, kept fighting. Elsa and the guardians raced to help with the fight. Pitch looked in shock and surprise when he found the the guardians were helping. Anna collapsed. 

"ANNA!!!" Yelled Elsa. She froze the last two nightmares attacking her and flew to her sister's side. Kristof left his nightmares as well and ran to Anna. Jack looked behind him at the group, but kept fighting.

"I'm not losing Rapunzel. Not this time." He whispered to himself.  He fought harder. He looked around him realizing that he was surrounded by his friends. Jack started to feel hopeful again.

That made Jack fight even harder.

"He won't stop." Rapunzel said turning to Pitch.

"Oh he will." Pitch said with a sneer, "I just need him to get a little more exhausted."

After a few minutes of fighting alone, Jack began to feel lightheaded, "No," he gasped, "Not yet." 

Pitch leaned over to Rapunzel, "All right, it's time."

"What are you going to do?"

He looked at her and smiled, "Watch."

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