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(Y/N)- What was that? He didn't do anything.

Scott- It's my job. I just need to scare him a little bit if he's gonna date you. I don't want a replay of what happened to you when you first met him. Also he has to be able to deal with me if you date. It's just for a day or two. If he passes my test I like him if not.... We'll see what happens. Goodnight. Love you.

(Y/N)- Wha?...

He walks to his room and shuts his door going to bed.

(Y/N)- Wow...

I go to my room and sit on my bed.

(Y/N)- Liam, be prepared for my brother's so called test.... whatever that is....

I get my PJs on and go to bed.

The next morning.

Scott- (Y/N)! Get up! School!

(Y/N)- I'm up!

Scott- Good!

(Y/N)- I'll be out in a minute!

I got dressed.

I found Scott and we ate breakfast

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I found Scott and we ate breakfast. Then went to school. When we got to school I came up to Liam.

(Y/N)- Liam!

Liam- Mor...

(Y/N)- Listen... Scott's giving you some test be ready for anything. When I say anything I mean anything.

Liam- Uh... ok.

(Y/N)- Ok. Now, good morning.

Liam- Morning.

(Y/N)- How are you feeling? You know from last night.... again I am so sorry.

Liam- It's ok. You didn't know and it worked out fine in the end. I'm still alive.

(Y/N)- Yeah....

Scott comes up to us.

Scott- Hey Liam.

Liam- Hey....

Scott- That girl over there's really cute don't you think?

Liam looks at her. Then looks back at us.

Liam- Eh... Not my type. Sure, I guess she's cute but (Y/N)'s cuter. She's nothing compared to (Y/N).

Scott- Good answer.

Liam smiles.

Scott- Well, I have to go to class and both of you should get going too.

(Y/N)- Yeah. See ya bro.

Scott- See ya later.

Scott runs off to class.

(Y/N)- Come on. Let's get to class.

Liam- Alright.

He holds out his hand and I take it and we walk to class together.

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now