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(Stiles is on the left. Scott is on the right.)

Stiles comes in the door.
We all go into Scotts room and I lay down on his bed.

(Y/N)- Ok Stiles. What's up?

Stiles- Um... You know the other day when I made that joke about Scott being a werewolf?

(Y/N)- Yeah.

Stiles- Well, It's not a joke anymore. He really is a werewolf.

(Y/N)- Haha real funny Stiles.

Scott- (Y/N) it's true and I can prove it.

(Y/N)- Ok, prove to me that you're a werewolf.

Scott lifts up his shirt and shows me where the bite was at.

(Y/N)- It's completely gone! What?! How?!

I put my hands on his side where he was bitten. Feeling no scratches or seeing any scars.

Stiles- Well, when you get bit....

(Y/N)- I know how the bite works you idiot!

Stiles- Geez...

(Y/N)- So, you're, you're a werewolf. Ok. I can deal with that.
No! No! Ugh! You can't be a werewolf! My brother can't be a werewolf! We have to chain you up on full moons. We can't go out on full moon nights now. Oh, and what about mom! She'll freak! I.... You...

I start to go into a panic attack.

Scott,Stiles- (Y/N)!

Scott- It's gonna be ok. Alright.

(Y/N)- Scotty... Can't... breathe.. Stiles... Scotty...

Stiles- (Y/N), don't talk ok.

Stiles is crowding me.

Scott- She needs space. Get back.

Stiles- I'm trying to help.

Scott's eyes turn golden and his teeth grow sharper. Scott turns to Stiles and growls orders to him.

Scott- I said get back!

Stiles- I'm backing up.

Stiles backs off and Scott changes back.

(Y/N)- Scotty.... It... Hurts...

I start crying.

Scott- In and out ok. Breathe.

(Y/N)- But..

Scott- I know It hurts just do it for me. Close your eyes and concentrate on my voice.

I close my eyes and nod.

Scott- Breathe, in 4 out 8.

Scott cups my face and puts his forehead on mine.

Scott- There you go...

I start breathing normal again.

(Y/N)- Thank you.

I hug Scott.

Stiles- Can I come over now?

Scott- Yeah.

(Y/N)- What was that anyways. Your eyes turned yellow and your teeth got really sharp. You totally freaked out on Stiles.

Scott- Yeah well, You needed your space and I got a little protective. Sorry Stiles.

Stiles- Oh, it's fine. I'll get used to being the one getting attacked all of the time.

I giggle and Scott chuckles.

Stiles- You controlled your change.

Scott- Yeah. I did. I controlled it.. But how?

(Y/N)- Um, I think I know how.

Scott- Really? How'd I do it?

(Y/N)- Well, Scott... you got protective. You're probably wondering what being protective would have to do to with this, but it's actually a lot.
Scott, would you ever hurt me?

Scott- No, of course not. I'm your brother. I protect you with my life.

(Y/N)- If you were human you'd still do the same thing. One thing's different though. Do you guys know anything about wolves?

Scott,Stiles- No, should we?

(Y/N)- I'll have to explain it... Wolves are very loyal to they're pack and people that they have got a strong bond with. AKA in this situation... Me. They would even kill their best friend to protect the one they love if they need to. AKA... Stiles.
So it's good that you backed down or else that could have been bad.
Anyways... So, wolves have packs. In each pack each wolf has a rank. In this situation Scott's the Alpha. Me being the sister of the alpha I'm next in comand, but am a beta.

Stiles- What am I?

(Y/N)- So um.. You're an omega.

Stiles- Is that good? Is that high on the ranking scale?

(Y/N)- No, the omegas are the least powerful on the ranking scale.

Stiles- Really?

(Y/N)- Yeah the Omegas are the weaklings of the pack. They're the alpha's b...

Stiles- Seriously?! Why am I an omega, and not you?

(Y/N)- Like I said... I guess I'm stronger in the pack according to Scott cause I've challenged him. You haven't and I'm his sister so that makes me higher ranked by defalt.
So... Yeah.
I think it might be part of a wolf thing.

Stiles- Ok. *Sigh*

(Y/N)- Look, Stiles. Don't be too sad about it. There's only three ranks. Alpha, beta, and omega.

And that's how it all started. With my journey in the supernatural with the Argent's, Stiles, and my brother (Scott). Well, now that you know let's see what's going on now shall we?

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now