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Classes passed quickly and Scott hadn't given Liam another test yet. Yeah, he is definitely waiting for lacrosse practice. The time came for us to get ready for lacrosse practice. Scott, Stiles, and Liam were already in the locker room and getting ready. I came in and went over to my locker. I was getting stuff out when something scared me. So I dropped everything I had in my hands and everything in my locker fell out. I sigh.

Scott- Liam... What's wrong with this situation?

Liam- Hmm?

Scott- What's wrong with this situation?

Liam- Uh... I should help her....

Scott- Good. Now get going.

Liam runs off to help me.

Liam- I got it.

Liam helps pick up my stuff.

(Y/N)- Thanks.

I smile.

Liam- You're welcome. Want help with anything else?

(Y/N)- I'm having trouble putting on some of my equipment right now. Could you help me with that?

He goes to say something but hears Scott growl.

Liam- Uh I'll go get Scott.

(Y/N)- It's ok Liam. You can do it. I trust you.

Liam- No, I, I'll get Scott it's better if Scott does it.

He gets all flustered and I realize why he's refusing. Scott probably growled at him warning him to not do that.

(Y/N)- Ok. I understand Liam.

I smile. He gets Scott and he fixes my equipment for me. Stiles comes up to us.

Stiles- Hey guys. What's up?

(Y/N)- Not much. You?

Stiles- Same. You excited?

(Y/N)- For?

Stiles- The game.

(Y/N), Liam- There's a game tonight?

Stiles- Yeah.

Scott- Stiles...

Stiles- What?

Scott gives Stiles the shut up look.

Stiles- You didn't... Oh. Sorry.

(Y/N)- No, Stiles. Say what you were gonna say. What game?

Stiles- Uh....

(Y/N)- What are you not telling me?

Liam- Yeah, I'd like to know too. What game?

Scott- I was gonna tell you, I'm sorry.

(Y/N)- You know what Scott. It's fine, you just forgot. No big deal, ok?

Scott- Um...

(Y/N)- Really Scott. It's fine. I don't know why you're freaking out. So who are we playing?

Scott- Davenport Prep....

(Y/N), Liam- What?!

Scott- And there's the reaction.... That's why I didn't tell you yet.

(Y/N)- Did you not think we could handle it?

Scott- No, I know you both could. I just wanted to tell you both privately.

Liam is still fuming from remembering what Brett did.

(Y/N)- It's ok. Hey Liam.

Liam looks at me. I smirk.

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt