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(Scott's sister in picture above.)

(Y/N)- Scott! Get up!

Scott- (Y/N), it's 6:00 in the morning. Go away.

(Y/N)- No, you have to get up. It's the first day of school! Remember?

Scott rips off his covers and jumps out of bed.

(Y/N)- Finally you're up. Get dressed and come out... I have a suprise for you.

Scott looks at me with an eyebrow raised confused.

(Y/N)- I promise that you'll like it.

I smile.

Scott- Ok.

I had gotten dressed and ready then went downstairs and cooked breakfast for Scott and I for the first day of school. Mom had already left for work. I made eggs, bacon, and toast. Scott's favorite. I also got out orange juice.

He ran downstairs and saw me setting up two plates and putting food on them.

Scott- You made me breakfast?

(Y/N)- Yeah, your favorite. Eggs, toast, and bacon. Hope you like it.

Scott- You are the best sister ever!

We both eat and are all ready to go by 6:30. We make our way to our motorbikes and ride to the school. Mine is black with a pink rim with a black helmet with pink outlining. Scott's is white and green with the number 32 on it with a white helmet.

Scott- Ready?

(Y/N)- Ready.

I smile and we walk over to Stiles standing by his blue jeep.

(Y/N)- Hey.

Stiles- Hey, lacrosse try outs are today. Are you sure you want to try out?

(Y/N)- Definitely. I've been practicing. The real question is... Are you ready to get crushed in lacrosse by a girl?

Stiles- Ha, yeah there's no way you can crush us.

(Y/N)- We'll see.

I smirk and pat Stiles on the back.

(Y/N)- Well, I gotta go. The bell's gonna ring soon and I don't want to be late on my first day of Freshmen year. Bye.

I go to my locker and put my books away. Then I go to my first class. Science. I love science! Awesome.
I go into class and the bell rings. I sit down at one of the stools at the station waiting to see who sits next to me. I honestly don't care who it is. I just hope I can make a friend.
Everyone comes in and sits down next to their friends. Then all of the seats are full and a boy my age comes into class and sees his friend sitting with someone else. He goes to get a third seat to sit with them but the teacher steps infront of him.

Mr. Harris- What's your name?

Liam- Liam. Liam Dunbar.

Mr. Harris- Well, Liam... there's a seat next to Ms. McCall right here. I suggest you take it.

Liam- Yes sir. *Mumbles*

He sets his backpack down by the seat next to me and sits down.

Mr. Harris- (Y/N), I hope you don't turn out to be exactly like your brother.

(Y/N)- Why and how do you know me?

Mr. Harris- You look so much like your brother it's despicable, and because he's annoying. Almost as annoying as Stilinski, and I don't want to have to deal with three of you in a day....every single day.

(Y/N)- Oh. I'll try my best not to be.

Mr. Harris- Ok, these are the seats that you will have for the rest of the semester.

Liam- What?! Sir. Do I have to sit next to her?

Mr. Harris- Now that I know that you perfer not to... These are your seats for the rest of the school year until I decide other wise.

Liam- Ugh!

Liam sits back down. Rude. He hasn't even met me yet and he doesn't want to sit next to me.
Whatever...try to be nice to him.
I smile at him.

(Y/N)- Hi.

Liam- Hey *mumbles*

Mr. Harris starts teaching.

Mr. Harris- Alright. So let's open up the textbooks to page 164. You and your partner will do the experiment on that page. By the time you're done it should look like a Crystal. You may eat this project once you are done if you choose. Begin.

(Y/N)- Pass me the Cylinder please.

Liam passes me the Cylinder and just sits there while I'm doing all of the work.

(Y/N)- Are you gonna help at all?

Liam- Eh.

(Y/N)- Fine. If you're not gonna help. Then give me the book.

I hold out my hand. He doesn't give the book to me so I reach out and grab it he grabs it back and won't let go.

(Y/N)- Liam, give me the book if you're not gonna help.

I tug at the book and he lets go. I get the book and it hits me in the face.

(Y/N)- Ow!

Liam- Sorry.

He smirks. We finish the project and I eat the crystal. It tasted pretty good.

Mr. Harris- Alright class, clean up your stations before you leave.

I nod and go to clean up my station. After it's all cleaned up I put my backpack on and sit in my seat. Liam gets his backpack on too and sits down.
Then the bell rings and we all leave.

(Y/N)- Ok, now it's time for try outs.

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now