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(Picture of Danny above.)


Stiles- Wanna sit with us?

Scott- We can sit with Allison and Lydia at a different table.

(Y/N)- That'd be great. Thanks. I gotta talk to someone really quick. I'll be right back. Don't follow me.

I get up and go to a table with a lot of the lacrosse players at it.
They stop talking as soon as they see me.

(Y/N)- Hey boys. Can I sit here for a minute?

Boy- Sure.

(Y/N)- You know the Co- Captain... Jackson. Right?

Boys- Yeah.

(Y/N)- Well... I need you guys to do me a favor. On a scale of one to ten how angry is Jackson on a daily basis?
One being, I'm angry at you leave me alone to ten being I'm gonna hurt you physically no matter if you're a guy or a girl.

They all start talking at the same time.

(Y/N)- Quiet. One at a time.

They all get quiet.

(Y/N)- Danny, go.

Danny- He's usually a 4 or 7, but I don't think that he'd ever hurt a girl.

Greenburgh- Yeah.

Boy- And if he did... I think he'd feel pretty bad about it. Why?

(Y/N)- Oh, no reason. Just wondering. Bye.

I get up and leave.

Danny- I'll be right back.

Danny gets up and stops me.

Danny- (Y/N)!

(Y/N)- Yeah. Sup Danny?

Danny- Did something happen between you and Jackson?

(Y/N)- What? No.

Danny- Something did.

(Y/N)- Fine. If I tell you this... You have to promise me that you won't say or do anything. Ok?

Danny- Ok. I promise.

I drag Danny into an empty classroom. I'm gonna have to substitute steroids for werewolf. Danny doesn't know about the supernatural.

Danny- Ok, what is it?

(Y/N)- It was after try outs. Everyone had taken showers on the other side of the locker room. I was on the other side taking one. Everyone had left even my brother and Stiles. I was drying off when I heard a noise so I put the towel around me and I asked if it was Scott or Stiles. No one answered so I decided to look around. I came around the corner and bumped into Jackson. He said he wanted to talk and I was well, not dressed so I told him to wait there and I went and got dressed. Then I came back and this is when it started getting bad.

Danny- Ok, keep going.

(Y/N)- *Sigh* He asked me if I was using steroids to be able to play on the field like that. I said no. He slammed me into a locker pretty hard and said I was lying. He kept saying that there was no way that this was my first time really playing lacrosse and being this good. Along with being a girl. I told him that Scott taught me how to play and he just kept on not believing me. Scott and Stiles had came back to check to see if I was alright because I had said that I'd be right behind them.

I turn around so that my back is facing Danny and I pull my hair over to the one side so that he can look at my shoulder.

(Y/N)- Go ahead. Look.

Danny slowly pulls down the one side of the collar of my shirt and sees a huge bruise.

Danny- Oh my gosh! (Y/N), does Scott know about this?

(Y/N)- No.

Danny touches it, outlining the bruise.

Danny- You should tell him.

(Y/N)- Ow. No way. There's no way I'm telling Scott about this. He'd flip out.

Danny- Alright.

I giggle.

Danny- What are you laughing about?

(Y/N)- You should have seen Jackson's face when I threatened to kick him where it hurts the most.

Danny looks at me and chuckles.

(Y/N)- What? I was mad at him.

Danny- I didn't say anything.

(Y/N)- Come on let's go back to lunch. Remember, you promised not to say anything.

Danny- Wait....What am I gonna tell them when they ask why you dragged me out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom?

(Y/N)- Umm, oh! Say that I needed advice on boys.

Danny- Alright. That's believable.

(Y/N)- Thanks Danny. You're the best.

Danny- No problem.

Danny and I go back to the table with all of the boys.

(Y/N)- Thanks boys. Just needed to borrow Danny for a minute. Carry on.

I go back to Scott and Stiles. Where Allison and Lydia now are and we go get a table.

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang