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I leave the locker room and go into the hall way. I see Liam's stuff thrown on the floor in front of the boys bathroom.

(Y/N)- Liam?

I go into the boys bathroom.

(Y/N)- Liam...

I hear something and I go closer. I see Liam standing next to the wall facing it.

(Y/N)- Liam.

I go to touch him. He could tell I was going to though.

Liam- Don't touch me.

(Y/N)- Why not?

Liam- I don't want to hurt you.

(Y/N)- Did you change?

Liam- Yes. I can't get myself to change back. I don't know what's wrong.

(Y/N)- I'm fine Liam, you won't hurt me. I'm not afraid of you.

Liam- I know.....

(Y/N)- Ok... then why won't...

Liam- Because I'm afraid I'll hurt you.

(Y/N)- You won't.

I come closer and turn him around.

(Y/N)- What's going on?

Liam- I'm worried about the game.... Brett.

(Y/N)- I promise. Everything will be fine. If something isn't we'll figure something out. Now... calm down and change back.

I kiss him and he relaxes changing back to normal.

(Y/N)- You've got this.

I smile. He nods smiling back at me. I hold his hand and help him bring his stuff back to the locker room.

Liam- Sorry. I had some trouble.

Stiles- It's ok.

Scott- Is everything ok now?

Liam- Yeah, thanks to her.

Scott- Ok. Coach should be telling us to head out soon. So hurry and get your stuff on.

Liam, (Y/N)- Alright.

We start putting the gear on. As soon as we were all ready coach came in.

Coach- Alright, everyone out on the field! Let's kick some butt!

Everyone pours out onto the field. We see prep. I see Liam tense up when he sees Brett. To comfort him I come over and put a hand on his arm. He relaxed a bit and looked at me nodding to say he's alright. I smile at him and he smiles back. We all sat on the bench and coach pulled who he wanted in the game. It was me, Liam, Scott, Danny, Jackson.... some other kids. Unfortunately Stiles didn't get pulled and was still benched. We got into our positions and then the other team, Brett and his team, got into their positions. The game started and was actually going well. Nobody started any trouble with Liam, me, or the team. Then halftime came. Liam and I were standing, talking next to the benches. Brett came up to us.

Brett- Oh... Sweetheart. How are you doing since the last time we saw each other?

Brett smirks. Liam tensed up remembering what he did.

Brett- Oh and Liam's here too.

(Y/N)- I'm actually doing better thanks. Can't say the same for you Brett.

Brett- No nickname? Interesting. Sweetheart actually likes me now.

(Y/N)- I sure as hell don't like you and don't call me sweetheart. I don't like it.

Brett- Why not?

(Y/N)- Because I don't like it. That's why.

Liam- Stop with the sweetheart and leave her alone.

Brett- What? You didn't like what I said about you to your little TJ?

(Y/N)- It ruined my relationship with him and whatever you said was fake. So yeah I didn't like it.

I say almost about to cry.

Liam- She ran into woods crying alone. I almost couldn't find her.

Brett- Not my problem.

Liam- Seriously Brett?! D...

(Y/N)- You know what Liam. It's fine. It was for the best that I didn't go out with TJ. I'm better. It made me stronger than I was and Brett has no idea how badly he screwed up.

Brett- I screwed up?

He laughs. I grab his collar and pull him down to my height.

(Y/N)- Yeah... You screwed up Brett. In your words, from the first time we met, it's all your fault. Remember those words? They weren't said to me, no. They were said to the person on my right. Now I have a very good feeling that you're going to apologize for everything that you have done to Liam and I and then take your stick and go back over to your team leaving us alone. Or else I will take that stick and shove it so far up your ass...

Liam- Babe... Maybe calm down a bit... Let Brett go.

I let Brett go.

Brett- Babe? You two are dating?

(Y/N)- Yes, do you have a problem with that?!

Brett- No...

(Y/N)- Good, now apologize. We're waiting.

Brett- Sweetheart...

(Y/N)- Excuse me?...

Brett- Uh...

Liam- (Y/N)...

Brett- (Y/N), Liam, I am sorry.

(Y/N)- Again.

Brett- I am sorry.

(Y/N)- One last time but make it good this time.

I smirk.

Brett- Liam, I am sorry. (Y/N), I am sorry.

(Y/N)- Good boy. Now...

Brett- I'm leaving....

(Y/N)- And...

Brett- And I won't bother you two again...

He went back over to his team. Then looked at us.

(Y/N)- Hey babe, come here.

Liam comes closer to me. I kiss him.

Liam- You made him apologize. That was impressive. I think he's scared.

(Y/N)- He better be.

Liam smirks.

(Y/N)- What?

Liam- Brett's team saw everything and now is teasing him for it.

I giggle.

Liam- You're a badass.

(Y/N)- Yeah I am...

I smile.

Liam- I've got a badass girlfriend. It's hot.

(Y/N)- Oh really?

I smirk.

Liam- Yeah.

(Y/N)- Well you're badass too. Standing up for me. Very hot.

I go over to his ear.

(Y/N)- and controlling the change so well. *Whisper*

Liam- Thanks...

(Y/N)- You're welcome.

I kiss him on the cheek.

(Y/N)- Now let's play.

We all get back on the field and play again. We ended up winning Scott assisted Liam on the final shot, getting the win for us.

(Y/N)- Davenport Prep 0 Beacon Hills 2.

Stiles, Scott, Liam, and I all decided to hang out for a while after the game at our house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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