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"What if there is only a difference of time between these two realities, one in the future and the other in the past? What you should do is establish a link between them both and somehow stick with one of them, but all I have to do is get out of here." With cautious, frantic steps, Aamon approached the door and opened it. "I hope your dreams come true"

"What does that really mean?"

With one leg on the outside, she said, "I guess I wish you good luck."

"Because Maya keeps telling me that"

"What were you thinking when you killed those girls?" She went off on a tangent.

"I'm not sure I can talk about it with you."

"So, who is this Maya?"

"Is she my friend, or is she just pretending to be?" He said it with a pained expression on his face. "Can you stay? So you can help me."

"I have things to do, sorry, but after what you did to me, I think I need to get away from you rather than helping you achieve something that appears to be completely fictitious, especially since you have mental illness."

"Of course, seem to be that you're convinced to not however believe me?"

"I'm afraid not, farewell, crazy man," she chuckled as she walked away with brisk feet.

He sat down on the couch and began to wonder what she meant when she said "establish a link between the two realities." He then leaned forward, peeked at Walter Sickert's painting of Jack the Ripper's bedroom, and then backed away extremely stiff and cold. He considered a bargain he could make with the other reality, one that would bring them closer to each other and allow them to know the distinction between these two dimensions. And, as Ruth stated, they are most likely both authentic, but there is a temporal discrepancy between them.

The first idea that sprang to his mind was to draw something on the wall, so that when he later return to the other world, he could see if it was already there, indicating the future, or if there was nothing, signifying the past.

But then he had a proper insight: in this reality, he killed Maya, but in the other, she is still alive, so this would be the future.

Nevertheless, he plucked someone's corpse and began wiping it’s blood over the walls, hoping that it would stick.

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