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Maya then feigned to go, but when he believed he was alone, she kept reminding him of the memory he so desperately wanted to forget.

So he got out again, because that was the only way he could get away from this lunatic.

But there was nothing down there.

"Aren't I meant to be swimming?" Ruth then observed the water and commented.

"We're in a parallel universe," Aamon explained.

However, when the other Aamon opened his eyes, he seemed different.

"What's the matter with him?"

"He was in the reality where you were swimming."

"I should never have gone to that river; everything changed because of me."

"Don't worry.”

He hurried back to the house and opened that room's door, but nothing was there; Maya told him a new narrative.

About a man, he was such a compassionate and humble person. But one day a woman came to his house and tried to manipulate his naive mind, which she managed to do, but after a long time of …, she decided to murder him, which caused the devil inside him to come out, and he was the one who killed her… He never did, though.

As he collapsed to the ground, he shouted, "I would never do that."
Maya hissed in his ear in a low, villainous voice, "But you did."

"It's unthinkable, I'm not him"

“You are"


"Do you want to watch it again?"

"What's wrong with you? I was just hallucinating, that’s all"

The actual Aamon abruptly said. "Because of what?"

As he sat on the couch, waiting for Maya, he remarked, "Oh no!"

She then arrived and... She left him alone there after he finished his short probe into the movie they had watched and said. “Hope your dreams come true, hope they do."

"That doesn't imply she wishes you the best, as I implied; I believe she's referring to your true dreams.”

"I know, I considered it when I was alone."

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