Chapter 1: Stream Announcement

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George had been streaming on Twitch for the past three hours. He had been running around his best friend's Minecraft server, wreaking havoc on the other players' houses and buildings. At the beginning of the stream, he had set a subscriber goal in the top left corner: Sub Goal: 10,000/12,000 surprise! He had originally not wanted to reach the subgoal, not wanting his fans to spend money gifting subs and not wanting to reveal the secret announcement. But, as time went on, the anxiety began to eat at him. Every few seconds he glanced at the sub counter in the corner of his screen, hoping and praying he would reach 12,000.

After the original three hours passed, he had finally hit the goal. He had been in the midst of a good banter with one of his fellow streamers, so he was unable to address the surprise. Suddenly, a message popped up on his screen, his eyes scanned over it quickly, before he decided to read it out loud.

"YourDiscordKitten donated $20: Hi George I've been waiting for you to announce the surprise... you hit the subgoal twenty minutes ago... I'm about to unsubscribe if you don't tell me now!" George paused. "Thank you for the twenty. I—"

"George," Dream drew out his name, interrupting.

"What?" he asked his virtual best friend.

"You did hit the subgoal a while ago. I think you should tell them your announcement," Dream said in a teasing manner.

"Oh, my announcement, is it? I thought it was ours?" George smirked looking at Dream's blank discord video on his second monitor.

"Well, I—I mean that's true but you're the one who begged, and I mean begged me not to say anything so that you could." Dream laughed as George scrunched his eyebrows and glared into the camera.

"That—that's not what happened."

"You're right. It's not. Would you like me to tell the um... the two-hundred thousand people watching what you really did?" Dream teased.

George's eyes shot open as he turned to look at Dream's black screen as if he were watching. He could feel his heartbeat gain speed as his blood raced throughout his body and did a pit stop at two places.

George's imagination always got the best of him. Within the black screen George could almost see Dream as if he were really there. He could imagine Dream's smirk as he "flirted", or the wide smile as he wheezed or laughed, and even the droopiness of his eyes when they stayed up too late talking. Though, it was always the smirk that truly got to George.

Fuck. I must be broken. I don't understand why this keeps happening every time he teases me or flirts with me—if it's even considered flirting. I must be attracted to the tension or the flirty, testiness because there is no way that I am actually attracted to Dream. I haven't even seen him for Pete's sake.

Plus, this is all fake. We agreed to this years ago. It's fake. Everything is fake. Not real. Not real at all.

"You wouldn't dare." George's eyes burned into the screen hoping Dream actually wouldn't dare and would decide to drop it.

He won't say it. It can't be said on a stream. He won't say it. Right?

"I accept your dare." Dream notably cleared his throat and continued, "George told-"

"Stop." George pleaded with his eyes. Dream.

"-me that-"

"Dream, stop!" He's going to say it. Ah! What do I do?

"-that he wou-"

"I'm moving to Florida!" George screamed, hoping to drown out Dream's voice.

It wasn't exactly how George imagined telling the stream that he was leaving England to live with his best friends, Dream and Sapnap. He had originally wanted to make a poll and see if the chat could guess.

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