Chapter 11: Blizzard

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content warning: swearing


Sapnap walked into the quaint cafe and over towards a waitress at the ordering station.

"Uh, hi. I'm not really sure what I'm doing here. My friend called me and told me to come here for something." Sapnap said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ah, are you Nick?" The waitress in all black asked.

"I am."

"Then follow me." Sapnap followed her over to a bright blue booth situated around a shiny black table. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

"Could I just have some water please? Do you know what I'm supposed to wait here for?"

"Sure thing and I do. I will go get both for you." She smiled and left.

This is so weird. Is it going to be some sort of note? Why couldn't he just have left it at home or something? I hate sitting here alone. It's just awkward and lonely...

The waitress returned with Sapnap's water and told him she would be back in a few minutes. During that time Sapnap thought of thousands of ways to convince George to come back and ways to confront Dream in a non-heated manner, as he sipped on his water. Just as he was about to pull out his phone to check twitter, he felt a tap on his shoulder and spun around. He sucked in a breath and his eyes widened.

"I told you I'd see you soon!"

"George!" Sapnap sprung up, banging his knee on the table as he tried to get out of the booth.

"Sapnap!" He yelled back, pulling him into a hug.

Sapnap squeezed hard, almost crushing George. They both opened their eyes and received various stares from the surrounding customers.

"What? What is going on? What are you doing here?"

George signaled for them to sit.

"What the fuck George! I thought you left! I've been calling you all day! I thought you were on the plane to London! I mean, I'm not complaining. I'm glad you're not... I'm just confused."

"I did leave. Or well, I was going to. I sort of still am, in a way."

"What? When did you change your mind?"

George huffed, "About two hours ago."

Sapnap looked down at the table, "Why did you decide to stay?"

"Because I realized England isn't my home anymore." George smiled as Sapnap glanced up at him. "Thinking about going back to living alone and going back to only talking with you online... I never want to go back to that."

Sapnap felt the need to lean across the table and hug George again, "I'm glad you're staying George and I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. I could have helped."

"No apologizing Sapnap, you did help me the day of the stream. Everything you said stuck with me, even if it was hanging on by a thread. We may be best friends, but we both know we are so much more. We are family."

Sapnap stared at George in awe, "We are family George, since the day we met! So why didn't you tell me all this back at Dream's?"

George's eyes flashed and his jaw tensed at the mention of Dream's name. "Because I'm not going back there."

"W-but you said we were your family?" Sapnap leaned back in the booth.


"Then why not come back?"

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