Chapter 20: Operation DNF

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 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I hope you enjoy this chapter! THANK YOU for all the votes, comments, and continuing to read! ILY GUYS! 

Follow your dreams, be happy, stay safe, drink water, and most importantly...STAY POGGERS! :)


Back at the Sunbean Cafe (Quackity and Dream) :

"What the hell was that?" Quackity asked Dream, their car doors shutting behind them as they jumped in the car.

"What? Did you see something?" Dream quickly searched out the front and side windows, buckling his seatbelt.

"No n-n-n-no... You're acting strange." Quackity said simply.

"What do you mean? When?" Dream raised a brow.

"Like... I don't know. You just kept bugging George and then you stomped off." Quackity said, starting the car and began to pull out of the parking lot.

"I had to pee."

"Okay... you might be a pissbaby but you definitely don't act like that when you have to pee."

Dream crossed his arms, "How would you know?"

"Only actual babies throw temper tantrums when they have to pee and I know for a fact you're twenty-two."

"I guess." Dream said, staring out the window trying to avoid the conversation.

"So what was that?" Quackity pressed.

"It was... nothing."

"You're lying."

"I am not."

"Oh c'mon Dream. I know I'm a lot closer with George and Karl and we don't usually confide in one another, but you know I'm not going to say anything to anyone." Quackity ensured, looking over at Dream to prove his point.

"I do." the blonde sighed, staring at the night sky through the sunroof, "I just can't answer your question."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know the answer." Dream's voice wavered, stressed tears threatened to escape. He suppressed them for years not wanting to address those deep dark feelings of the unknown.

"What do you mean?" Quackity asked, pulling onto the highway.

"I don't know why I acted like that. I can't explain it. I- I don't have an answer." Dream pressed his eyelids together, squeezing his eyes shut.

After a minute of thinking, Quackity started, "Hm, well, how did you feel before, during, and after the Sunbean dinner?"

Dream focused on the various car lights they drove past, calming him down enough to think clearly, "Before I felt- I felt sad, I guess... guilty. At the cafe I felt angry. Angry and conflicted and envious? And now I feel confused."

"Why were you feeling guilty?"

Dream rested his head against the window, "George can't forgive me. I hate myself for the things I've done to him. He doesn't deserve any of it."

"And why were you angry and conflicted?"

"Because George- George was- he was", he combed a hand through his hair, "that waitress was being so friendly and he deserves that. He deserves a nice friend and to be loved but I hated it. I hated how she made him smile. She made him blush." His tone turned dark and vile without his concent.

Matches In The Rain// DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now