Chapter 15: Camping Trip - Part Two

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*       *       *  POV: Sapnap

One intensely awkward, but also slightly normal car ride later, they arrived at the campsite in North Carolina.

After all the greetings and catching up, Sapnap said, "Guys, it's going to get dark soon. We should start setting up the tents. So how about, Dream, you unload our car and set up the small tent, and George and Quackity you two can set up the large tent?"

They all muttered their agreements and separated to complete their tasks.


"Yeah Nick?" Karl perked up as he unloaded the food.

Sapnap looked around quickly. Nobody's around. It's just me and him. I can do this. I can do this. Sapnap wiped his palms along his jeans, "Um, wa-uh- hm, oh did you hide the blankets like we discussed?"

Sapnap could have sworn he saw Karl's smile falter, but ultimately thought he had just imagined it.

"You betcha I did."

You can do this. Just do it. "Good. I hav-hope this works." Uhg what am I doing. Why am I so nervous?

"Me too," Karl chuckles, "I can't wait to talk about something other than DNF."

Sapnap's eyes widened in surprise, "I don't talk about them that often!"

  "Yes you do! It's literally 99% of all the sentences that leave your mouth." Karl said with a slight undertone of sadness and anger.

"Well what about the other 1%?"


Sapnap huffs and laughs, "Can't argue with that."

Karl laughed and their eyes connected. Sapnap was falling- falling hard, spiraling down into the giggly, bright, cobalt, violet fantasy world of Karl.

Now. Do it now.

"Karl, I have something I want to ask you."

"Ask away."

"I wa-"

"Sapnap! Karl! The tents are finished! Hurry with the food!" Quackity yelled.

Sapnap's heart sank, "Uh, yeah we should go back."

Sapnap and Dream worked on cooking the hotdogs and hamburgers, while Karl, George, and Quackity built a bonfire in the middle of their tents. They spent a while gathering wood and twigs, and also a few logs to sit on. Thay had brought chairs, but decided they wanted to get the ultimate camping experience.

They all ate together around the bonfire, sitting and talking. Of course, it was tense with Dream and George refusing to talk, but Karl and Quackity always knew how to lighten the mood and create distractions. When the sun had completely set and the moon started to rise, it was George's cue to go get the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate.

They continued to enjoy the night laughing at how the marshmallows were stuck to everyone's faces and hands as they ate s'mores, and how this reminded them of a SpongeBob episode. They ended the night cleaning up to avoid a visit from the bears and racoons as they sang the SpongeBob Campfire song.


"I call dibs on sleeping in the grownup tent!" Quackity yelled.

Oh right. We haven't discussed sleeping arrangements yet. I guess I have to wait, I don't know what tent Dream will be in.

"I call the grownup tent!" Karl smirked before adding, "For me and Sapnap."

Awe! Maybe Sap went through with the promise! Atta boy Sapnap!

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