Chapter 5: Term #7

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For the majority of the drive, the Dream Team continued talking about the flight and the logistics of George moving in while they listened to Sapnap's playlist.

George also learned why the motorway was called the Mundane Speedway: Floridians speed... and never use their blinkers. Almost every car passing around theirs had to be going at least twenty over the 65mph limit.

Sapnap was a careful though, going with the flow of cars at around 80mph which didn't bother George. The nonuse of blinkers, however; did.

It was the times where a car would merge too quickly becoming only inches away from their car, or when they merged and immediately decided to slow down. It was the fact that Sapnap had to slam on the brakes a few too many times for George's liking, that made him nervous and a bit nauseous.

As they got closer to Dream's house, Sapnap changed direction and drove through a wealthy neighborhood for one sole purpose. That being so he and George could point to every single mansion and ask Dream if that was where he lived.

Dream handled it well at first, until they started speaking over each other nonstop. It got to a whole new level of excessive annoyance, and they never stopped, no matter how much he begged them too. So, he turned the music up loud enough to drown out their voices, they could practically feel their eardrums beginning to rupture.

🌧~Weeks Later~🌧

George, Dream, and Sapnap were seemingly accustomed to living with each other. Their bedrooms were spread apart from one another—all at separate ends of the house—which was perfect for them. They could stream without the others hearing and interfering, and they all had a space to themselves.

The kitchen and the living rooms were a free space for them all. Everyone would meet there to eat, watch movies, talk, or to work/edit with the company of another.

Today, something had happened in the living room which left George to do what he does every night: A recap of the day: things that were good, bad, expected, unexpected, etc.

At tonight's showing, George had a minute long encounter with Dream, playing for hours on loop.


I was working on editing my latest YouTube video, when Dream entered the room. I looked up, meeting his eyes, said 'hello', and smiled.

That was exactly how things had been going for the past couple of weeks. A small smile and a simple hello. (Unless we were with Sapnap or had to discuss something streaming content related—but that would happen in the office usually.)

So, I was not expecting him to come over and sit down next to me.

As he walked over, I could feel my heart beating faster and I tried my hardest not to look at him.

I stared at the computer screen, pretending to work. I was typing complete nonsense. I could think of a single legit thing to write or a single thing to ask him. It's like all my helpful thoughts sensed the silence and tension and made a run for it.

I gave in to my desire to look over at him, moving my eyes to the side.

Patches was still curled up next to me... and only a few inches away, there was Dream's leg.

He was dressed in all black, sweats and his merch sweatshirt. He had little lines of Patches' hair scattered all over it that almost created a design.

He's sitting too close. Way too close. Closer than he ever has before...

Stop. I am the only one thinking about this. I am only reacting this way because it's not the usual. No other reason. He obviously just sat down to sit down. He did not choose that spot specifically to be close to me.

Or did he?

Something to my right then caught my eye. Dream's hand was moving towards me.

My heart was now completely out of control and my I was breathing irregularly. I desperately tried to hold my breath to reduce it to a normal rhythm.

His hand is moving towards me!

His hand hovered over Patches before it—

It rested down on her, sliding along her fur, giving her swift pets.

A weight dropped dead in my chest.

Why am I such an idiot? God, I'm such an idiot. What was I even expecting him to do?

What did I want him to do?

Did I really think that Dream was just going to what— hold my hand or something?


Wait Is that what I wanted?

I involuntarily raised my hand which collided into my forehead making a loud 'slap'.

Did I seriously just do that? I was supposed to be doing that mentally!

I heard Dream shift to his left, shifting towards me. I dragged my hand down my face and turned toward him.

I immediately flew into his eyes, captured by a whole new world of adventure.

I don't know how, but I shook my way out in time to see his gaze run up and down my body before it focused on my face. He then inclined his left eyebrow and raised the right tip of his lips.

He was asking me 'why did you do that'? Was he amused by my stupidity? It was the same expression I would imagine on the black screen whenever I slammed the table in frustration while on our voice calls.

I obviously can't tell him why I did that. So... umm... Video! I was editing the video.

"I accidentally deleted a segment that I needed. Nothing major," I somehow said in a cool and collected manner.

"Do you need any help retrieving it?" he asked, leaning over top of Patches to see my laptop screen.

"Oh—huh, no, I've done it plenty of times. Um, thanks though.

Well, so much for my 'cool and collected manner,' it apparently left the building.

He said a simple 'okay' before returning to petting Patches with one hand, using the other to scroll on his phone.

Sometimes I'm grateful for Our Deal. In this case, Term #7: When in person there will be no touching unless absolutely necessary. Although we made the consequences of each term when we were children, they're still enough to keep us from doing things.

In all honesty it's probably because I'm too scared to do any of the terms listed on Our Deal.

Nevertheless, Our Deal does make things like this easier. It helps me set boundaries. It helps me know what I should do and shouldn't do. It keeps me in check.

Most of all, it helps me to keep Dream as my friend.  



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