Chapter 7: Consequences

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 "We need to talk about Our Deal."


Oh. George's eyes went wide. His whole body went still as a silence filled the air.

Say something. Say something. Or should Dream be the one to say something? Ah! The silence never bothered me before... but what IS this? He can probably hear my thoughts and my pounding heart.

George began to breathe heavier, In and out, in and out, be calm. There's nothing to worry about. Just a conversation. It's only serious because I'm making it.

George collected himself, "Okay." Good. Now he can start the convo.

"Okay, well, as you know, Our Deal states that your first day here was a freebie so there were no consequences for the...the hugging and stuff."

"Yes?" George urged him to continue.

"And we have been following Our Deal for the past month." Dream's eyes asked for George's response.

"Mh, hm." George nodded.

"So we haven't had to address any of the consequences." Dream said, bouncing his leg and wrapping his hands together.

"Right." Uh. Dream just get to the point. This is killing me.

"I have a question...about today."


Dream dragged his hand through his hair as he looked away from George, "Uh-so-when I tackled you... do you think that's a violation of Our Deal?'"

He's asking me?


He's the one that did it. He knows the reasons why he tackled me...

"I-I don't know. I mean yes, because there was no need to tackle me. You really could have just talked to me. But...I don't think you did it with a flirtatious intent. It was just your split-second reaction."

Right? Because Dream having the intent to do that would just... would just be wishful thinking. Because that would never be the case.

George's eyes never left Dream's face. Even when Dream turned to fiddle with the mouse and keyboard, George just looked at the stubble starting to grow, and noted how nice of a jawline Dream had.

Dream turned back to George. Dream's eyes were darkening. They had become darker than George had ever seen over the past month.

George had no idea what emotion this meant. Over the years George had always imagined Dream's eyes to be light, always shining. Never dark. Never as if he were marching into battle, descending into a never ending forest. The brown in Dream's eyes was a frigid black-- the darkness waiting within the forest, waiting to wipe out anyone who entered.

George slightly squinted his eyes as he tried to gaze deeper into his eyes. It wasn't like George's first day in America, when he had gotten lost exploring in the light, whimsical magic of Dream's eyes. It wasn't even like when Dream had shut him out of the magical world.

Ever since that day Dream's eyes constantly shut George out, even now. Except for one small opening that the darkness had seeped through. It was pulling George in, a sinister power growing darker and hungrier with each second.

George couldn't think, but he could feel. The power of Dream's eyes was sending sparks though his body. George was on fire. His skin sizzled underneath his sweats and sweatshirt. His skin begged for them to be removed.

Matches In The Rain// DreamNotFoundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora