Chapter 21: Christmas

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"George, wake up. We're here." Dream spoke softly, slightly shaking the brunet's shoulder.

His eyes fluttered open. He could only see Dream's sharp features through his faint blurred vision. Groggily, he asked, "Already?"

Dream chuckled, "I told you it was only a two hour trip."

George couldn't stop the smile from appearing on his face as he could now clearly see the blonde's exceedingly handsome face, "I was hoping it'd take longer than that."

Dream backed away, pressing his back into the driver's seat, "Are you nervous?"

George laughed once, "Ha! How could I not be? Your whole family's in there!"

"Yeah, but you know them already. You've talked to them on the phone before." Dream reminded him, hoping it would comfort him.

"Well as we found out, meeting people in person is a lot different." George said before getting a chance to analyze it in his head.

"George..." Dream's face plummeted, the reminders of all the ways he hurt George resurfaced.

The brunet quickly turned to the blonde, holding up his hands in surrender, "Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I'm just stressed."

"It's um- it's okay. We should head in though. The longer you sit here the worse your nerves will get."

George agreed and they both began exiting the blonde's car. George turned towards the trunk to get his luggage, but saw Dream head the other direction. He quickly followed, standing behind and to the side of the blonde.

Dream reached out a hand towards the rectangular doorbell, "You ready?"

"No." George spoke honestly.

"Too bad." Dream sighed, pressing his finger into the doorbell. They both heard the quick 'ding dong' of the chimes from inside the house.

Then the door began opening inwards, a small woman stepping out from behind. "Clay!" she exclaimed, wrapping him into a strong hug. She was a few inches shorter than George, looked exactly like Dream, aside from the shoulder length sparkling amber colored hair, and wore a casual red dress with a green apron with a pattern of white and silver Christmas presents.

She moved her head slightly to look at George, before turning her whole body around towards the inside of the house to yell, "Hey guys! Clay's brought a friend!"

She pivoted back to the brunet, "Hello! George right? It's so nice to finally meet you in person. How are you? How was the trip? Please, please come in. How do you like Florida so far-"

"Mom. At least wait until we get into the house. And one question at a time, you're overloading his brain." Dream pleaded with a light red flush staining his cheeks.

"Oh fine. Sorry George, I guess I always come off a little strong. Please settle in first, then I'll come pester you." she laughed, scurrying off into the kitchen.

"Uh, sorry about that. She's- she's- like that a lot." Dream tried to make the brunet feel more comfortable.

George just smiled. He thought Dream's mother was like a breath of fresh air.

"Uh... you can place your shoes here and I guess I could give you a tour before we see everyone. Is that okay?" Dream asked from the large-tiled floor, untying his shoes.

"Sure." George replied, untying his shoes and placing them beside Dream's.

Dream nervously and kind of awkwardly introduced George to every room in the house, even going so far as taking him up into the unfinished attic before showing him the room he saved for last.

Matches In The Rain// DreamNotFoundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें