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Content Warnings: *paintball guns and slightly sexual/mature intentions and actions*

February 26, 2026:

"Remind me again why we're doing this," Sapnap said, lifting a cardboard box labeled 'George's Shoes'.

Karl followed the motion by lifting a box labeled, 'Bathroom Stuff - Clay', and answered, "Because we're good friends. That's why."

"But it's our four year anniversary Karl," Sapnap drawled out with a whine.

"I know babe, but we'll have at least seventy more years to celebrate it. We can afford to miss one," Karl said as they both carried the boxes down the stairs and into Dream's father's truck.

Sapnap set the box down on the back of the pickup, "Still. Why aren't they here helping us? We're moving their shit for them on our anniversary."

Karl shrugged his shoulders, "They said it was important."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, "Uhg, I hate them sometimes."

"There is a plus side to this you know..." Karl turned to face Sapnap with a playful smile, "We'll finally have the house to ourselves."

"Hm, that is quite a compelling point," Sapnap said, tugging Karl into a tight hug, kissing his forehead gently. Goodbye Dream Team house...No more George and Dream... it'll be just Karl and me. It'll be our house now.

Karl giggled, grabbing Sapnap's hand, and led him back into the house, "The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can celebrate."

Sapnap's eyes darkened, looking Karl up and down, before running up the stairs to get the rest of the boxes.

A few hours later, they had completed removing all remnants of Dream and George from the house. Boxes were stacked in the back of the pickup truck held down by pieces of rope and they began their drive. About twenty minutes later they reached the house Dream and George bought together.

Sapnap and Karl had decided on the drive over that they were not going to unload the truck and instead were going to raid the refrigerator. They parked the truck, gathering their belongings, and walked up the stone path to the front door. Karl knocked his unique rhythm into the stern  door. A few seconds later, they heard the click of the lock and the suction of the door being opened inwardly. Before they could move an inch, they were instantly met by blinding, alternating colored strobe lights and confetti being thrown in their faces.

"Surprise!" Dream and George yelled, laughing in sync while also recording the couple's reaction.

Karl and Sapnap were starstruck, confetti resting in their hair and on their noses and cheekbones. Everything had happened so fast, they had no time to speak or move before Dream and George leaned in for hugs. All four had smiles stretching ear to ear, glowing brighter than the moon outside.

"So this is where you guys disappeared to?" Karl asked in a more accusing manner, walking in the house admiring the floating lights.

"Yeah, it's not like we could have told you we were planning a surprise anniversary party for you guys." George said, leading them towards the kitchen.

"Well, I mean, you could have at least tried to distract us some other way... seriously. I mean you guys made us do all this hard work." Sapnap complained, hovering over the granite countertop.

"Yeah, I'm with Sap on this one. We could have just told them to stay at the house and watch a movie," Dream said.

Everyone turned, sending a distasteful look towards George.

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