Chapter 8

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Looking at her watch Sienna realized the time "7:40 I better start making my way to Joe's" Sienna had spent the last few hours searching for an apartment she was starting to get bored of her hotel room and needed new surroundings and a place to call home, Callie had moved into Cristina's apartment she was sleeping on Cristina's couch. With Callie no longer living in the hotel this made Sienna want to find an apartment more.

She fixed her hair in the mirror pulled on her leather jacket, checked everything she needed was in her purse, and headed out the door. She got to Joe's around eight to find Mark at the bar staring over at Derek with a look on his face of complete shock.

"what are you staring at? Oh My God!" Sienna said as she finally saw what Mark was looking at "Please tell me they are not on a date... Sydney and Derek!" they both watched in shock


"So, Why the brain? Why biology's Crown jewel?"

"You mean why did I go into neurosurgery?"

"Come on. Share. Share with Sydney." Derek looked over at the bar and seen Mark and Sienna staring with their jaws nearly hitting the floor. "It was the headset with the magnifying glasses that tipped the scale for me."

"And the man has a sense of humor. I like that." Sydney's pager went off.

"Mark please step in do something this hurts my eyes," Sienna said

"Work stuff. As if you didn't know. I'll just be a sec."

"I'll be back," Mark said as he walked over to Derek

"what will it be Sienna," Joe asked, "umm martini Joe," Sienna said never taking her eyes off Derek's table.


"Is she dying? Is that why?"

"Oh, come on. Grow up. She's nice. She asked me out."

"Want me to fake a heart attack? I do a great fake heart attack."

"Here she comes."

"Carry on."


"You just didn't tell him to carry on, did you?"

"well, I did offer to fake a heart attack."

"Mark, me, and you both know if you did, she would be the first to give you CPR so Derek would be all over her when you came back around again.

"Now I'm glad I didn't fake one. Why wouldn't you be giving me CPR darling?"

"because I'd be standing here laughing about how good your acting skills are."


"You know I should be in bed right now"

"what with a nurse."

"Hey enough with the nurses already."

"Mark it's one of Seattle Grace's most open secrets that you and the nurses have a great relationship," Sienna said while nodding to Joe for another drink.

"um ok... anyways I should be asleep because I'm doing a double shift tomorrow."

"really well I'm doing the night shift tomorrow and Friday then off on Saturday then back to the day shifts again on Sunday."

"Well least I'll have you for company tomorrow night"

"I'm better than trying to make small talk with patients anyway."

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